If you've decided to start your Coffee Enema journey to assist your health and cleansing ritual you cannot get a better starter kit.

We have made it as simple as possible for you to start performing coffee enemas.

Our kit has the following

  • 1 x Quality Durable Reusable Medical Grade Silicone Enema Bag
  • Size 4 Litre
  • 1 x Easy hang hook
  • 6 x Organic Fairtrade Coffee Enema Solution Pouches 
    • 3 x Light Golden Roast 
    • 3 x Medium Roast 
    • Both are designed for optimal enema use and have varying strengths
    • (Please note the Light is stronger. With Coffee enemas some people/body types prefer a Light Roast and others the Medium Roast)

  • 1 x 1.3m Silicone tube
  • 1 x Silicone rectal tube
  • 1 x Added long Rectal tube
  • 1 x Liquid Temperature Gauge
  • 1 x Adjustable flow clamp
  • 1 x Full advice and instructions from start to finish

Our Quality Silicone Enema bag is very easy to hang, clean and maintain.

Most importantly its very easy to use. 

This listing comes with a 4 Litre size silicone bag.

Our coffee enema solution is simple to use and can be ready in seconds.

The temperature gauge assists in making sure the solution is at its optimal temperature for coffee enemas.

The instructions give clear guidance and will answer most questions you may have so you can start performing and gaining benefits from your coffee enemas straight away.

Please see below for further information on our Coffee Enema solution and other Faqs.

We are here to help with any queries you may have so please feel free to contact us.

We hope you enjoy your first coffee enema.

Our Coffee Enema Solution is specially designed and intended for coffee enemas.

Our coffee enema solution is brewed using our own specialty coffee enema grinds which have been roasted with only coffee enemas in mind.

Our coffee beans that we use to brew are

  • 100% Certified Organic
  • Fairtrade 
  • Air Roasted
  • Finely Ground

Our coffee enema solution is in a concentrate form. You add 750ml of water to the coffee enema solution and then warm to 37°C/body temperature.

Ready to use.

We offer the following Grinds/Roasts and Coffee Enema Solutions:-


  • Light Golden Roast - Coffee Enema Solution
  • Medium Roast - Coffee Enema Solution


  • Medium Roast - Coffee Enema Grinds
  • Light Golden Roast - Coffee Enema Grinds
  • Extra Light Golden Roast - Coffee Enema Grinds

(Please see our other listings/shop for different Roasts/Solutions)

About Us

We are a proudly owned Australian business. Our organic, fairtrade coffee beans are sourced overseas and then air roasted, ground and packaged in Australia. 

Your health is important to us so we have selected the best and purest organic coffee beans for our coffee enema grinds which we use to brew our coffee enema solution. 

We air roast the beans to minimise carcinogens and finely grind to a texture most suitable for home brewing. We consider our coffee enema solution and grinds to be as pure as possible so as to not pollute your body. Our intention is to aid in your cleansing process as much as possible.

The difference in the roasts and solutions

Light Golden Roast Coffee Enema Solution

The Light Golden Roast produces a light green coloured coffee enema solution. 

This is because it is roasted at a lower temperature to release a very high amount of caffeine without drying the bean too much. 

This also produces a high amount of palmitic acid.

Straight from the brew the solution is pea green and then turns light green/golden as the sediment settles.

Medium Roast Coffee Enema Solution

The Medium Roast produces a chocolate brown coloured coffee enema solution. 

This is because it is roasted at a medium temperature to release a high amount of caffeine. 

This also produces a high amount of palmitic acid.

You choose your roast/solution for individual personal reasons, either because you are following the Gerson Therapy or similar course of health regime. Also you may find when you first start coffee enemas your body can only handle the amount of caffeine in the medium roast. Then you will move onto the light roast as your body can handle the cleansing process with the maximum amount of caffeine. Your body will tell you which is right for you.


100% certified organic, fairtrade coffee beans. 99.9% filtered BEV water. (Product contains caffeine)

Our coffee has a high caffeine and palmitic acid content. It is lighter in colour than usual coffee. This is due to the air roasting production process and the temperature the beans are roasted at. Which is designed for best enema use and results.

Extra Information

How do coffee enemas help cleanse the body.

In the simplest terms. The coffee(caffeine) on entering the rectum/colon encourages the body to release more bile than normal which speeds up the cleansing process.

About the Grinds

How many enemas will 400g of coffee enema grinds produce ?

400g will produce between 8-16 coffee enemas. 

This depends on how strong you want your enema to be.

With your purchase we include a guide sheet teaching you how to brew your coffee and also how to decide what strength will be suitable for you. This will determine how many enemas your brew will produce.

Why Air Roast ? 

Normal drum roasting uses a hot flame at the bottom of a drum which rotates. As the beans pass over the hot part of the drum where the flame is, they burn. Giving them a very specific cooked/bitter taste. Many roasters pride themselves on this part of the process as this develops the flavour. However for people wishing to do coffee enemas this is where some carcinogens are produced which you don’t want to put into your body

What is Fairtrade ? 

Fairtrade means fairer trading conditions and opportunities for producers in developing countries to invest in their businesses and communities for a sustainable future.

Brewing and use by date ?

We brew daily. You can be sure that our coffee enema solution has been brewed 1 to 2 days maximum before being boxed and despatched. To arrive to you as soon after brewing as possible. 

The use by date is set at 4 months from the brew date.

Best results and usage methods ?

Once you receive your coffee enema solution it is best to begin to use it straight away for maximum effect. It is better to perform 1 or 2 a day till you have used up your order rather than spacing it over 7 weeks. Eg If you purchase 14 pouches perform 2 a day for 7 days to get the body into cleanse mode then take a break for a bit.

Despatch/Packaging ?

Our packaging is completely discreet

This product has a 4 month life span from date of posting.

We welcome any questions so please feel free to contact us.

Wishing you Health, Vitality and Happiness