Dried Diced Mango

  • Certified Kosher by Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
  • Suitable for Vegetarians
  • Suitable for Vegans

About the product:

  • Free of Cholesterol
  • Very Low in Saturated Fat
  • Good Source of Dietary Fiber
  • Rich in Vitamin A
  • Contains Iron, Calcium and Vitamin C

Product description:

What Are Dried Mangos?

Mangos are a sweet, tropical fruit grown in the southernmost parts of the United States and throughout the world’s tropical belt. They have long been lauded not only for their bright, vibrant flavor but also their high nutritional value.

Mangos are a seasonal fruit, however, and the supply of delicious, high-quality mangos is low during certain times of the year. Drying mangos preserve their flavor and allow them to be enjoyed all year long.

Dried mangos may also be more convenient to eat than fresh mangos as you don’t have to worry about making a mess from the juices. This allows you to carry dried mangos with you as a quick and easy snack source, perfect for families on the go.

The Dried Diced Mangos from Food to Live are small and sweetened. Their texture is similar to other chewy snacks your children may be used to, which makes dried mangos an easy way to introduce a new fruit to your family.

Dried Mango Nutrients:

Food to Live is passionate about providing healthy foods your family will love, and we feel good about the nutrition in our Dried Mangos. Dried mangos are rich in dietary fiber, Vitamin A, Calcium, and Iron, and are devoid of both fat and cholesterol. Here’s why this matters:

Dietary Fiber. If you’ve ever been clogged up, you may have heard your doctor recommend increasing your fiber intake. That’s because dietary fiber stimulates your digestive system, helping your body break down food more efficiently. Pregnant women may especially benefit from increasing their fiber intake for this reason. 

Vitamin A. If you’ve ever wondered why some people have naturally beautiful skin and others are beleaguered with blemishes and spots, the answer may well be associated with Vitamin A consumption. In addition to helping with healthy skin, Vitamin A is an antioxidant, which means that it reduces inflammation, which may be beneficial to people with inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. 

Calcium. Most people know that calcium helps with bone strength. As you grow older, your bones may become more brittle, which makes calcium consumption increasingly important. Calcium also helps your teeth stay strong, and keeps important muscles—including your heart—at their optimal performance level.

Iron. Iron is a mineral typically found in meats, which makes plant-based forms of iron valuable, especially to those who limit their meat intake. Without iron, you run the risk of your body becoming anemic. 

Fat-Free & Cholesterol Free. Obesity can lead to an increased risk of numerous life-threatening conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. These same risks are enhanced with those with high levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream, as cholesterol increases your risk of high blood pressure. Foods like Mangos, which still taste like a treat without adding fat or cholesterol to your diet, can help you maintain your low-fat, low-cholesterol lifestyle.

How Do You Use Dried Mangos?

Dried mangos are a great treat on their own, and can be eaten straight out of the bag. However, if you want to spruce them up a bit, you can do so by mixing them into a trail mix. They add the sweetness kids love in trail mix but have more health benefits than the chocolates you may be more accustomed to seeing in trail mix. Dried mangos can also be paired with cereal or oatmeal for a pop of sweetness in the morning.

Looking for an easy recipe to incorporate dried mangos into your life? Try some mango overnight oats for a real treat!

  • ½ c. Oats
  • ½ c. milk
  • ½ c. dried mangos, diced
  • tsp Chia Seeds

Mix the oats and milk together. Top with dried mangos and chia seeds and leave it in the fridge overnight. In the morning, stir and eat for a fiber-filled breakfast that will keep you full through to lunch!