White or Ivory & baby blue and pink bouquets sets

All bouquets and wands each come with

A silver butterfly on

these bouquets are made with 

white or Ivory & baby blue & pink roses 

With silver flowers sprays around them with pins in some of the flowers centres and added silver looped ribbon

The roses used are made from foam 

Available in 3 different sizes with matching buttonholes ,wands and wrist corsages and hair combs 

if you would like colours adding or  different coloured ribbons or flowers 

I have lots of different shades available just message me

when buying more than 1 item if you put each 

item into your basket first

Then this will combine p&p costs to £4.50 for the first item

and just 50p each  for every other item 

to get this discount you must make sure all items are in the basket 

before checking out 


Please note as we are really busy with orders 

are depatch time is now 20 working days 

If you need these any faster please get in touch