You are bidding for a video record of the long discarded 16mm films described below.   When the film  was made it provided a unique insight into its particular subject.  Over the last thirty years a number of enthusiasts realised that such films provided an untapped source of information on past techniques and methods.   At some time in the past it would have been rescued after being discarded as obsolete by the original owners .

Any money raised from the sale of this video will go towards offsetting the costs of more rescues. 

Four films of the type rescued by Dustbin Film Collection  now available on DVD 413 

After a false start


47 English film on war time agriculture but with a French Commentary

 Fairly up to date Herefordshire Farm on the 1940s  Combination of horses and tractors and lorry as well.  Horse drawn  drill and harrows  Taking out  the lunch. Variety of tractors  far more than would be found on one  farm.   Soil testing  Whitchurch  area. Potato riddling  Fiddle  Mending a mower blade.


  A curiosity here is that Printemps en la Ferme is the English Film "Spring on the Farm" with a French Commentary. While the horses are prepared another set of spring tine harrows are attached to an old Fordson F tractor.  Seed is put into a seed drill and drilling starts in the field. A Caterpillar crawler pulls the seed drill while the tractor works the ground down and the horse harrows in.  With a change of driver the drill keeps going. Several implements are shown working . The farm has fairly large fields. Cattle are fattening in a yard  with other Hereford crosses turned out.  Scientific tests are carried out on soil samples  and the farmer rings for the findings.  Some of the land is limed using a horse drawn spreader. Milk is also tested  in a laboratory. Paperwork suggests the farm that requested the test was in Ross on Wye. Inspection of dairy equipment.  Orchard spraying with crawler pulled sprayer no protection worn Fruit trees in blossom  sheep grazing.  Potato riddling  land girls in uniform making the film 1941 or later.  Schoolboys planting potatoes by hand. Root drill  and hand fiddle sowing.. Horse drawn Cambridge roll  dung carting with horse and tip cart on the new pneumatic tyres. The farm workshop  blacksmiths  forge work. Trees in blossom crops growing.


341 Few people realist these days that the Ford Motor company were once into selling  construction machinery This film starts with a dealer get together of salesmen selling Ford Construction Machinery in Paris in 1976  10th Expomat . Ford were launching new 360 degree excavators . But first a trip on a boat along the River Seine.  Dealers get together for an awards dinner. .  Equipment was launched to the trade press.  Yes Ford did offer  construction machinery for a time.  The combined Ford stand was large. Ford A64 loader.  A 66 Louisville TCM dump truck and the D Series tipper and the A series.  And a concrete mixer  Ford 550 digger loader.  Included a cut away model. The name Richier in seen on the film. It is not entirely clear whether Ford actually designed and made the machinery or whether it was bought in and bodged as “Ford”   These included some pretty big loading shovels and a newly introduced 360 degree loaders . This also gave a chance to promote both Louisville and   D Series trucks together with the less successful A type. Machines featured include   Ford 550    H44  H48 CL  H 48CK  Seen both on show and at work in quarry demonstration including some unusual ways of demonstrating features. Including pouring champagne! .  This is probably the aspect of Ford’s activities that is least well known.

147 Fighting a war is glamorous but clearing up afterwards is more painstaking.  This film was made in 1950 in black and white to stimulate the rate of scrap recovery  to replace shortages of imported iron ore. A fascinating insight into an area of warfare overlooked by historians.


With World War Two won  Military  units gave great attention to recovering scrap  metal for recycling. Britain's blast furnaces needed taking out of service so scrap was needed to increase throughput of the remaining furnaces. The film gives a vivid insight into the many different forms of recovery needed. 

Anything from a discarded crankshaft to the trains of cripples being dragged in from the Western Desert.  Scrap is sorted and graded in scrapyards before going onwards to be melted down to produce new steel. Where some is being forged into replacement crankshaft.


 Other recoveries included salvaging old cannons, towing in trains of crippled vehicles cutting up tanks recovering anything from tins in the cookhouse to dumped bombs from underwater,  cutting scuttled first world war naval vessels, fishing for dumped ammunition, explosive is removed before scrapping. Including, Scrap processing at Hamburg.  Paddle Steamer The Ancient in Malta harbour. HMS Revenge being cut up.   One of the fascinating parts of the film is identifying the scrap material. Material shipped back to Naval dockyards is sent onwards by rail for processing.  Black and White. 

20 minutes. 


342 Magazine type film from around 1952  featuring

SS Khuzistan  carrying petrol in cans for delivery  of fuels in square sealed cans  in the heat of the Persian Gulf. Abadan to the Persian gulf the tanker carries fuel in rectangular cans. Once loaded the journey takes 4 days.

Siren warns shore customers  to row out to collect their delivery.  Dhows crammed with cans  and then carried ashore through chest high water.  Pearl divers normally.  Kerosene lamps  and generators.   Constantly shuttling backwards and forwards. Cans were transhipped into dhows to be carted ashore. This a startling contrast to today's bulk deliveries.. This must have been one of the smallest ships  ever in  the BP Fleet.


Vampire show in flight before featuring the introduction of the new Vickers Viscount. AirlinerThe prototype Viscount airliner on a world tour.  One was shown  under assembly for British European Airways. Then the end of a demonstration tour which   included trials at Paris Orly airport. As might be expected in an oil company  includes demonstration of refuelling. with emphasis on special care and filtration needed.  This served to introduce the new idea of turbo prop airliners. Compared with production versions the Viscount featured carried fewer passengers and would have been smaller.   

This was the first turbojet airliner.  Shown under construction fitted with 4 RR Dart Engines  for smoothness and quietness. Paris refuelling is shown with new type of tanker lorry with extra filtration.


Technical Note. This is a DVD record of a private screening. Transfer quality is to enable the contents to be studied rather than to achieve the  high standard achieved by professional broadcast and commercial video  publishers

Other items that could be of interest

  Wide choice of old industrial film transferred on a DVD for private study  Gives you some idea of the range of films offered through eBay by the Dustbin Film Collection 


Tractors of the 1950s Test report of an early example in each case Large choice. Farmer buying a new tractor used to rely on these for impartial information 


Oil sample reveals much about any sort of engine. Test it BEFORE you buy it Provides vital information if you are buying a tractor of any age and nearly all models 


Sectioned Line Drawing of vintage tractors, choice of makes, how they work.  Shows what is going on under the casings  out of sight.