 Copper wire.
Lenth 4 cm or 
1-1/2" inches 

What does it do:

It is an Amplifier of Energy 
-Harmonizes energy
- A Protector 
-A Provider
-Can be Programmed for Any Kind of Manifestation in One’s Life
-Amplifies Intentions
-Helps to Align the Physical Body with the Spiritual Body
-Placing an Object Inside the Structure Amplifies It’s Vibratory Energy
-Meditate with it to Increase Intuitive Abilities

Comfort and Protection
Remediates the Harmful Effects of Electro Magnetic Field Pollution, Including:
o Cell Phone Radiation
o Electrical Distribution Systems
o Computers, Appliances, Lights, Radio Signals,
o And Other Electromagnetic Radiation Polluters
o Harmful Energies Produced by Geopathic Stress Lines
ºDispels Negative Energies
ºEnergy Purifier and Balancer