Palo Santo Chunky Sticks - Holy Sacred Wood Strong Incense 20g ~ 1kg Sticks Ethically Sourced

Palo Santo wood from 5 year+ seasoned wood collected without having to unnecessarily fell trees. It is 100% sustainable and ethically sourced in Peru under licence from the Peruvian Government - We Import our Palo santo with a phytosanitary certificate which means it is checked by the Peruvian Department for Agriculture (equivalent) and UK HMRC and Defra

Each Palo Santo Wood piece is about 10cm in length and 2cm x 1.5cm thick.

1 chunky piece of Palo Santo wood weighs between 12 - 28g 
100g is likely to be 4-9 pieces

Palo Santo wood is used as a sacred incense due to the strong fresh trail it produces when it is smouldered. The palo santo pieces do go out by themselves and are therefore safe to use indoors. Once enough aroma is released simply allow to self extinguish or place on a shell/bowl.

We suggest burning the palo santo pieces in and abalone or scallop shell. For 2 reasons:

1. The shell provides a safe flameproof surface/bowl for the wood to be burned in.

2. The Shell represents water, the palo santo wood represents (grown from) the earth, the flame represents fire and a gentle waft of a hand, feather on breath represents wind.

For larger orders, questions or support; please message us....we are here to help

For Abalone shells, white sage or other holistic products visit our eBay store.


Grant :)