Organic Rye Berries

  • Certified Organic by A Bee Organic
  • Certified Kosher by Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
  • Suitable for Vegetarians
  • Suitable for Vegans
  • Non-GMO

About the product:

  • FIBER-RICH FOOD: Organic rye berries contain 25g or fiber and 25g of protein in every cup of grains.
  • DELICIOUS AND VERSATILE: Use Food To Live Organic Rye for sprouting, cooking, or making homemade rye flour.
  • SOURCE OF MANGANESE: Organic rye berries are rich in nutrients, especially B vitamins, manganese, magnesium, and iron.
  • EASY SPROUTING: Food To Live Organic Rye Berries have a great germination rate. Sprouts will be ready in 3 days.
  • CERTIFIED ORGANIC: Buying our Organic Rye Berries bulk, you can be sure you get 100% toxin-free and non-GMO product.

Product Description:

Food To Live Organic Rye Berries for You

Organic Rye from Food To Live brings one of the most ancient and revered grains to your table. People have been cultivating this grain for over 4000 years. It spread from what the lands currently known as Turkey all over the Middle East and Europe. Organic rye berries are nutritious, delicious, and extremely good for you.

The majority of organic rye berries and other rye products available on the market today come from Eastern Europe or China. However, rye is cultivated on every continent with the exception of Antarctic. This grain isn’t very demanding and is closely related to wheat and barley.

Food To Live Organic Rye is 100% toxin and GMO-free. Our rye grain berries can be used for cooking and sprouting. You can also grind them into a highly nutritious meal. As the grains are whole, you get to enjoy all the benefits organic rye berries have to offer.

Organic Rye Berries and Gluten-Free Diet

Like barley and wheat, organic rye berries contain gluten. Therefore, no product that contains rye can be included in a gluten-free diet.

Benefits of Rye Grain Berries 

Organic rye berries are extremely rich in dietary fiber (24.7g per cup) and protein (25g per cup). This grain only has about 4g of fats per cup, which is a great ratio for a whole grain.

Due to fiber and overall high nutritional value, organic rye berries will be a good addition to a weight management diet. Fiber also means that this grain is good for the heart and boosts your wellbeing in general. It’s also great for detox as fiber soaks up toxins as it travels through your body.

Organic Rye Berries: Nutrition Data

Organic rye berries contain lots of B vitamins and a variety of minerals:







This grain is good for vegans, bodybuilders, and everyone else who needs more protein. You can ‘unlock’ more of the organic rye berries nutrients by sprouting them. This will also make the grain easier to digest.


How to Sprout Organic Rye Berries

Take about 2/3 cup of dry organic rye berries and 3 times the same amount of water. Mix seeds in the water and let soak for 12 hours. Drain and rinse the grains.

You can use the water you drain from the soaking to water your potted plants. It’s rich in nutrients and will act as a mild natural fertilizer.

Once you put rinsed rye berries into a sprouter, put it somewhere out of direct sunlight. Indirect sunlight or a 150W incandescent light are good. Don’t leave the sprouter in some dark corner either as plants need some amount of light to grow.

Make sure your organic rye berries sprouts have good air circulation. If you sprout in a jar, cover it with thin muslin cloth and position it neck down at an angle. Specialized sproputers should have good drainage systems by default.

Rinse and drain organic rye berries every 8-12 hours. The sprouts should be good by day 3, but you can leave them longer if you want to grow green sprouts. Note that you can grow organic rye grass if you use a proper sprouter.

Enjoy Organic Sprouted Rye Berries

Organic rye berries, sprouted or not, should be cooked. If you are 100% sure that your sprouts weren’t contaminated by any bacteria, you can eat them as they are. However, rinse them extremely well and drain thoroughly.

Add this kind of sprouts to salads and sandwiches.

If you choose to cook sprouts, the best method is steaming them for about 5 minutes. You can also add them to stews and curries. In essence, you can use organic rye sprouts as you would any whole grains. Add them to baked goods or even to smoothies.

If you want to make homemade flour with maximum nutrients, dry the sprouts and grind them into a meal. Store it in an airtight container in your fridge for up to a month. Make sure that the flour is perfectly dry before you close the lid of the container.


How to Cook Organic Rye Berries

Cooking organic rye berries takes a while. It’s the same for all whole grains, and the cooking process itself is similar. If you soak rye grain berries overnight, they will only take about 45 minutes to cook. Otherwise, the process can take about 3 hours.

You can reduce this time using the same ‘hot pre-soak’ technique as you would for some legumes. Bring berries to a boil, remove from heat, cover and leave for 1-2 hours. Then, drain and rinse before cooking.

However, as the cooking process is essentially the same (except you leave the grain simmer), there is no point in ‘hot pre-soak’.

To cook organic rye berries, you’ll need to use 1 cup of water per ½ cup of dry grains. Be sure to add about ¼ teaspoon of salt.

Drain cooked organic rye berries and serve while they are still hot. You’ll need to test the grains for firmness occasionally to determine when they are good. If you use a pressure cooker, follow its instructions on making whole grains.

If you plan to use organic rye berries in a stew or other dish that will require them to cook further, drain them while the seeds are firm.

Tasty Ideas for Organic Rye Berries

If you don’t have a favorite rye berries recipe yet, be sure to try combining them with other grains and veggies. You can use them as a substitute in many whole grain recipes. Organic rye pilaf is sure to be tasty and very nutritious.

Cooked rye berries go well in salads, both warm and cold. They taste good with any type of vegetable. You can also enjoy cooked berries with some rich sauce.

Organic rye berries aren’t a type of whole grain usually included in desserts. However, you can serve cooked seeds with a sweet syrup or add some grains to cookies, muffins, etc.

Organic rye berries are perfect for delicious and healthy baked goods. However, organic rye bread requires yeast to make. Don’t forget that you can mix whole berries into the dough for extra-crunch.


Organic Rye Bread: Recipe


2 ¼ cup organic rye berries

3 ½ cup water

½ cup molasses

½ tablespoon dry yeast

¾ cup bread flour

1 tablespoon salt

1 tablespoon sunflower seeds

1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds

1 tablespoon flaxseed


1. Preheat your oven to 435F.

2. Cook ½ cup rye berries in 1 cup of water. It would be best to cook them using a pressure cooker. In this case, follow the instructions in the manual. For stovetop cookers, bring organic rye berries to a boil, cover the lid, and cook for 20 minutes at high pressure.

3. Warm about 3 tablespoons of water to 105-115F (use a thermometer). Take care not to overheat the water. Combine warm water, yeast, and molasses (1 tablespoon). Let yeast bloom for 20 minutes. Do this while rye berries are cooking.

4. Grind remaining organic rye berries into a coarse meal using a blender or grinder.

5. Mix ground rye berries with bread flour and salt.

6. Blend together remaining water and molasses. Then, add the yeast and blend again.

7. Strain cooked rye berries and add them to the liquid ingredients. Mix using a mixer.

8. Carefully and slowly pour dry ingredients into the liquid. Stir to combine.

9. Use a mixer to mix the dough properly for about 8 minutes.

10. Put the dough into an oiled baking pan and sprinkle seeds on top. Bake for about 1-1 ½ hours.

11. Let the bread cool for no less than an hour before cutting it.

Note that baking perfect organic rye bread requires a lot of practice. It might take a few tries before you determine the best times and proportions.

How to Store Organic Rye Berries

If you buy organic rye berries bulk, you’ll be able to store them for at least 6 months. They will last for over a year in the fridge. The most important thing is to keep them dry and cool.

In case you buy organic berries 50 lbs. or an even bigger amount, it would be best to split the bulk into several containers.