The Hofi Hammer and the Hofi Ergonomic Technique for Moving Metal (DVD)

With master smith Uri Hofi

The Hofi Hammer and the Hofi Ergonomic Technique for Moving Metal is now available on DVD, featuring Uri Hofi as he discusses and demonstrates hammer technique for effective forge work. 

In the DVD, Hofi explains the ergonomics of good hammer design, and how to use the hammer to maximize the energy delivered to the material with the minimum effort. Hofi also demonstrates how proper form prevents damage to muscles and tendons. The Hofi Hammer and the Hofi Ergonomic Technique for Moving Metal is an indispensable guide for the professional blacksmith.

The Hofi system is an ergonomic approach to tooling and methodology that is designed to work with the natural motions of the body. The Hofi system focuses on efficient process, using minimum energy and time for maximum moving of the material, which protects muscles, nerves, joints, and bones from damage.

Hofi, who has developed new tooling and techniques for hot forge work, teaches his method in his school in Israel, in Berlin, Germany, in Japan and at the Center for Metal Arts in the United States.

Check out ---> Secrets of the Forge: Beginning & Intermediate Projects for Blacksmiths 

Also see ---> The Blacksmith's Project Book: Intermediate & Advanced Projects from European Masters

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