This is an EXACT copy of the issue that was published on September 14, 1895.  This is a REPRINT not an original.  These papers are excellent sources on information on what the people of the time were interested.  The Political and Social articles and the Advertisements tell the tale of the time.  

This particular issue has articles about:
  • The Census
  • A Question of International Honesty
  • Quay's Triumph
  • The Scientific Bureaus at Washington
  • The Passing of the Locomotive
  • A Recent Journey through the West
  • The Northern Pacific Railroad
  • The Tuskegee Plan
  • The Atlanta Exposition
  • The U.S. Ships "Columbus" and Vincennes" in Japan
Pencil Sketches:
  • Scenes from India
  • The Atlanta Exposition
  • Booker T. Washington
  • Scenes of the Tuskegee Plan - Practical Education for the Southern Negro in Alabama
  • The U.S. Ships "Columbus" and Vincennes" in Japan

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