EV1 Red & White Biodegradable Tamper Proof Disc Holder For Motor Cars / Vans & Trucks


Worlds First 100% Biodegradable Tamper Proof Disc Holder!


The Secur-i-Disc ECO HOLDER® is totally unique:


The Secur-i-Disc ECO HOLDER® has been designed to be environmentally friendly on several levels with greener, biodegradable materials used in the manufacture and packaging of the holder and this has resulted in the holder (including holder, instructions, inner and outer packaging) being 100% biodegradable.


Please refer to our web site www.ecoholder.co.uk for more information on this unique product.


The unique Secur-i-Disc encapsulation prevents any alteration of the disc for use on another vehicle. Any attempt to alter the details on the disc will result in its destruction, making it useless and thereby preventing a thief from "selling it on" or using it for themselves.


Fit a Secur-i-Disc today and stop the disc thieves damaging your vehicle!


Visit www.secur-i-disc.co.uk for further information.


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