5 ingredient Recipe-Burnt Carrot Salad quick healthy w/ Cooking video

5 ingredient Recipe-Burnt Carrot Salad quick healthy w/ Cooking video

I am a mother of two young boys (5 and 7). I am addicted to cooking and I have 3 hungry boys (2 sons + 1 husband) to feed all the time. One of my big love is to collect great recipes…add/change one or more ingredients to make it unique.

I would like to share my collections with you from just small amount only which I will donate to my sons’ school.


Because I believe cooking and eating are two of life's great pleasures.

Because I believe sharing is one of the best things you can do for your own health and well-being.

Because I know small steps will make big changes, small amounts accumulate great way to  help our kids in a happier school journey.

Plus it’s so much fun!

Today I am going to share with you one of my favourite recipe- baby carrot soup, this recipe also comes with a video (just click “video” in the recipe and enjoy), hope you like it as I do.     

Listing is for recipe only, sorry but no food will be sent. Please message me with any questions prior to placing your order. Thank You!