Product description

Headquartered in Miami the heart of the South Florida, Ultimate Smile employs the highest standards when developing new products. Developed by a team of Ultimate Smile engineers and dental experts from around the globe, our revolutionary tooth whitening system featuring the Ultimate Smile Whitening Accelerator offers consumers a simple, safe, state-of-the-art way to return their teeth to their optimal, natural whiteness in just 20-30 minutes. Since 2004, Ultimate Smile Teeth Whitening Products have endeavored to offer the best teeth whitening products available. We have and will continue to offer the highest quality whitening systems, gels, dental care products, and bleaching trays on the market. We have supplied thousands of customers around the world. We are proud of the personal service we give our customers and we will do whatever it takes to leave our customers satisfied. Our Ultimate Smile whitening gel was developed by a certified dental laboratory for a safe fast whitening action with long lasting results. The unique formula is pH balanced with high adhesion qualities designed to stay on tooth surface. The same teeth whitening gel is dispensed by dental offices worldwide. From the custom trays to the gel containing active ingredient Carbamide Peroxide to the at-home procedures, the treatment is essentially what a professional dentist would prescribe. Please feel free to ask us any questions, thank you for shopping with us.

  • Dental grade professional teeth whitening gel
  • 35% Carbamide Peroxide formula for minimal to no sensitivity
  • Can be used with many types of teeth whitening trays
  • Instructions and box included
  • Made in USA