Serapi Rug

 The most frequent Heriz layout has a geometric based medallion design, almost squarish in nature, which is again reflected in each corner of the field with a traditional palmette border, encased by minor borders in more detailed designs. The colors most often seen are reds, blues, ivory with small increments of gold. The look of the Heriz rug is tribal in nature as these rugs were originally woven with hand-spun wool and vegetable dyes. The more finely woven antique pieces, often in lighter tones have been designated SERAPI RUGS. New rugs with the SERAPI designation would be reproductions of antique pieces.

This rug was hand crafted in Bhadohi, India. Beautiful wear adds visual depth and ancient designs emerge through chromatic explorations. Allow this rug to wed the ancient in your home.

(These Rugs are handmade so size may vary little from standard sizes).

"Please also note that, although every effort is made to photograph my items accurately and describe my products in detail, I cannot guarantee every computer monitor will accurately depict the actual color of the rug. Please contact me with any questions about the color or size of any item before purchasing."

What is special about this rug?

This is a quality handmade rug that has natural materials. Unlike machine made rugs, manufacturing good quality handmade rugs requires special skills and is extremely time consuming.

Right from its inception, our Company has been producing hand-