USB SNES Controller:

Supported Operating system: Windows 98, ME, Vista, 2000, 2003, XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10; Linux UBUNTU, Linux Mint, Android Linux (via an USB OTG cable); Mac OS X and beyond; Retrogaming operating systems: RetroPie, Recalbox, Happi Game Center, Lakka, ChameleonPi, Piplay.

Supported Device (With USB storage device): PC, Notebook Computer, Laptop Computer; MacBook; Raspberry Pi (RPI, Raspberry pie): Raspberry Pi 1 Model B, Model A, Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+, Raspberry Pi Zero, Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Raspberry Pi 3, Retro Pie.

Supported Platform: Steam (Not Support all games. Perfect for Several simple steam games) Supported Game Emulators: NES, SNES, Snes9x, ZSNES, Higan, Handheld GBA emulator, Sega Genesis emulator, Sega OpenEmu (Only support OS X)

USB N64 CONTROLLER:(not for N64 console,JUST USB n64 controller)
JUST PLUG AND PLAY! Cord is approx. 5.9 ft. Long.
Supported Operating system: Windows 98, ME, Vista, 2000, 2003, XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10; Linux UBUNTU, Linux Mint, Android Linux (via an USB OTG cable); Mac OS X and beyond; Retrogaming operating systems: RetroPie, Recalbox, Happi Game Center, Lakka, ChameleonPi, Piplay

Supported Device (With USB storage device): PC, Notebook Computer, Laptop Computer; MacBook; Android Smartphone: connect via an USB OTG cable; Raspberry Pi (RPI, Raspberry pie): Raspberry Pi 1 Model B, Model A, Raspberry Pi 1 Model B+, Raspberry Pi Zero, Raspberry Pi 2, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, Raspberry Pi 3, Retro Pie --- Note: NOT SUPPORT Android TV BOX.

Supported Game Emulators: Current: Project64, 1964, MAME (MESS), Mupen64Plus, Sixtyforce, CEN64; Historical: Project Unreality, Corn, UltraHLE, Nemu64
 Raspberry Pi3 download RetroPie; MAC OS download OpenEmu Emulator; PC Windows download VirtuaNES Emulator