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Nelsons Bach Original Flower Remedies 20ml - All Remedies Available



Bach Original Flower Remedies - 20ml

Guide to the remedies
Each of the 38 remedies discovered by Dr Bach is directed at a particular characteristic or emotional state. To select the remedies you need, think about the sort of person you are and the way you are feeling.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Agrimony 20ml

The BACH remedy Agrimony encourages the positive potential to open up, as well as communicate your real feelings. For those who hide a mountain of thoughts and inner turmoil behind their smile. Leave emotional discomfort in the past; face your emotion freely.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Aspen 20ml

The BACH remedy Aspen encourages the positive potential to maintain a state of inner peace and security, regaining assurance of mind. For when apprehensions consume your mind, and unsettling feelings leave you on edge. Face the unknown with your head held high, and take on any moment throughout your day with confidence.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Beech 20ml

The BACH remedy Beech encourages the positive potential to see the good in others despite imperfections, to release rigid attitudes, and build a sense of compassion. Ideal when meeting with people you know who get under your skin. Maintain a sense of tolerance, make allowances, and strengthen your relationships.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Centaury 20ml

The BACH remedy Centaury encourages the positive potential to not deny your own needs. You can express and defend your opinions, uninfluenced by others. For when you are finding yourself drained by others, struggling to say no, and feel imposed on. Follow your own path unconstrained by others' thoughts and feelings. Prevent weak-willed and subservient tendencies; don’t be scared to say no.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Cerato 20ml

The BACH remedy Centaury encourages the positive potential to encourage strength of mind, find trust in your own inner wisdom, and follow it. Stop doubting yourself, be more decisive, and self-assured.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Cherry Plum 20ml

The BACH remedy Cherry Plum encourages the positive potential to find clarity in chaotic moments, and to think rationally. In life there may be hectic times when you feel like you might lose control, during those times extra support is vital to regain courage, and start to see the lighter side. Stay cool, act rationally, and be in control.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Chestnut Bud 20ml

The BACH remedy Chestnut Bud encourages the positive potential to learn from past mistakes, gain knowledge and wisdom to move forward in life. For those who wish to stop making the same mistake over and over. Brings insight to your every day and helps you learn from past difficulties.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Chicory 20ml

The BACH remedy Chicory encourages the positive potential to selflessly take a step back and care for others without expecting anything in return. Care for the ones you love without becoming manipulative or overprotective. Take a step back, and love unconditionally.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Clematis 20ml

The BACH remedy Clematis encourages the positive potential to find concentration, and stay focused on the task at hand. Combat dreaminess and find interest in daily tasks. Leave daydreaming for times when life is not full of things you need to get done.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Crab Apple 20ml

The BACH remedy Crab Apple encourages the positive potential to embrace your body and mind, and accept your imperfections. Obsessive thoughts over imperfections can lead to a poor self-image and a feeling of uncleanliness. Learn to accept yourself.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Elm 20ml

The BACH remedy Elm encourages the positive potential of self assurance, keeping perspective, and returning to efficiency. Struggling to keep perspective leads to a sense of being overwhelmed. Don’t get overwhelmed: handle hectic days.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Gentian 20ml

The BACH remedy Gentian encourages the positive potential to put mistakes in context, cope with setbacks, pessimism, and negative outlooks. From small upsets to large difficulties, and when challenges build up, keep Gentian at hand. Approach all challenges with conviction.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Gorse 20ml

The BACH remedy Gorse encourages the positive potential to regain the willpower to fight on, regaining faith and hope. In times when you need to find the sunshine at the end of a dark period, don’t give up hope. Feel brighter despite current physical, emotional, or other worldly problems.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Heather 20ml

The BACH remedy Heather encourages the positive potential to be heard, assisting you in developing a voice without appearing needy. Having conversations that are two-way and genuine is a vital part of open communication.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Holly 20ml

The BACH remedy Holly encourages the positive potential to be generous-hearted without making demands. Curb the tendency to be jealous and full of suspicion. Open your mind to others' lifestyles and needs without judgment.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Honeysuckle 20ml

The BACH remedy Honeysuckle encourages the positive potential to live in the present and not be held back. The past is what makes us who we are; however the ability to move forward in life, without regrets, does not always come easy. Reflect and learn from the past, leaving the regret behind.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Hornbeam 20ml

The BACH remedy Hornbeam encourages the positive potential to be certain in your ability, and “face the day ahead.” Shake off that “Monday morning feeling,” cope with the demanding day ahead and face whatever obstacles are on your schedule, without hesitation.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Impatiens 20ml

The BACH remedy Hornbeam encourages the positive potential to think and act in less haste. We all become overly irritable, impatient and nervous from time to time. Find ease in how you deal when life, people, and situations slow you down.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Larch 20ml

The BACH remedy Larch encourages the positive potential to approach different situations with confidence and determination. Are you nervous to try new things due to a lack of confidence, or need a boost to your self-esteem? Find your inner confidence.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Mimulus 20ml

The BACH remedy Mimulus encourages the positive potential to face your fears and difficulties with courage. Stand up to what fears or difficulties you have. Enjoy your life without living in fear.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Mustard 20ml

The BACH remedy Mustard encourages the positive potential to return to joy. Everyone faces occasional sudden gloomy feelings. When you are feeling down, bring joy back into your daily life.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Oak 20ml

The BACH remedy Oak encourages the positive potential to remain strong while understanding your own limits. When the struggle is real and you are exhausted but push on anyway. Recognize your need to recharge.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Olive 20ml

The BACH remedy Olive encourages the positive potential to revitalize yourself after making an effort. For times when all reserves of inner strength and energy have run out. Let go and allow yourself to revitalize and restore your mental energy.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Pine 20ml

The BACH remedy Pine encourages the positive potential to accept and respect yourself as you would others. For times when you feel full of guilt and blame yourself for anything the goes wrong.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Red Chestnut 20ml

The BACH remedy Red Chestnut encourages the positive potential of peace of mind, to care for others with compassion but without the worry. Often a temporary feeling, anxious thoughts and worries can impact our relationships. Overcome the feeling of anxiety around others, and comfort your mind.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Rock Rose 20ml

The BACH remedy Rock Rose encourages the positive potential of strong will and courage, especially in the face of emergencies. For times in your life when a sense of panic and helplessness is replaced by calm and courage.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Rock Water 20ml

The BACH remedy Rock Water encourages the positive potential of a flexible attitude when striving for your goals. Stop tying yourself down to inflexible and overly high standards. Open up to new ways of thinking and living.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Scleranthus 20ml

The BACH remedy Scleranthus encourages the positive potential of certainty and decisiveness. For those who are viewed as unreliable, moody, and often change their mind when making decisions between two possibilities. Be more spontaneous when making decisions.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Star of Bethlehem 20ml

The BACH remedy Star of Bethlehem neutralizes the effects of grief and encourages the positive potential of inner strength. Deal with the after-effects of a life altering experience. Have comfort and sooth your pain and sorrows.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Sweet Chestnut 20ml

The BACH remedy Sweet Chestnut encourages the positive potential of hopefulness. Face extreme feelings of hopeless despair with a clear mind. Regain control over your daily life with peace of mind.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Vervain 20ml

The BACH remedy Vervain encourages the positive potential of serenity, wisdom and tolerance. Remain enthusiastic towards the world around you while not imposing your views on others.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Vine 20ml

The BACH remedy Vine encourages the positive potential of determination, without domination. Be flexible, expressive and share your opinions without seeming dominant. Lead without intimidation.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Walnut 20ml

The BACH remedy Walnut encourages the positive potential to move forward and make changes in your life with a sense of constancy. Life is full of change. Instead of being taken off guard, support your mind in learning to adapt. Whether it's physical, environmental or influential, move forward in life with a sense of consistency.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Water Violet 20ml

The BACH remedy Water Violet encourages the positive potential to find warmer relationships with others in a calm, relatable way. Allow yourself to reach out and connect with others. Cultivate and connect with the people that surround you.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - White Chestnut 20ml

The BACH remedy White Chestnut encourages the positive potential to find tranquility and peace of mind. Don't let those repetitive thoughts cloud your mind and get in the way of your focus. Reclaim your day and cope with the hectic world around you.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Wild Oat 20ml

The BACH remedy Wild Oat encourages the positive potential to decide on the right path for your future. When you are uncertain of what you want in life, and are faced with an important decision to make regarding your path. Find inner clarity.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Wild Rose 20ml

The BACH remedy Wild Rose encourages the positive potential for enthusiasm and a lively interest in life. Reignite your passion for life, and find enthusiasm for the world in general, work, and those you care about. Take initiative, and make some changes.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Willow 20ml

The BACH remedy Willow encourages the positive potential to forgive and forget past injustices and enjoy life. Combat negativity, the consequences of resentment, and regain a sense of humor when life presents shortcomings. Don't be a victim, control your own destiny.


Trusted by generations for 80 years

The essences were developed in the 1930s by Dr Edward Bach, a physician and homeopath who believed that the key to good health was emotional harmony. He identified 38 flower essences made from wild plants, trees and bushes, each one corresponding to a specific emotion.

Simplicity was critical to Edward Bach's system - he wanted everyone to be able to understand them and categorised the system into seven groupings to help individuals identify the essence for them.

Our products are the only flower essences that are sourced directly from Mount Vernon, the home of Edward Bach. To ensure you are purchasing the highest quality products, look for the Bach signature on the bottle as a seal of approval.

Bach Original Flower Essences are suitable for all and can be used at any time during the day.;

  • Natural
  • Pocket size
  • Not tested on animals
  • Easy to use

Nutritional Information

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Agrimony 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Aspen 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Aspen (Populus tremula) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Beech 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Beech (Fagus sylvatica) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Centaury 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Centaury (Centaurium umbellatum) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Cerato 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Cerato (Ceratostigma willmottiana) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Cherry Plum 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Chestnut Bud 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Chestnut Bud (Aesculus hippocastanum) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Chicory 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Chicory (Cichorium intybus) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Clematis 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Clematis (Clematis vitalba) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Crab Apple 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Crab Apple (Malus pumila) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Elm 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Elm (Ulmus procera) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Gentian 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Gentian (Gentiana amarella) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Gorse 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Gorse (Ulex europaeus) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Heather 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Heather (Calluna vulgaris) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Holly 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Holly (Ilex aquifolium) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Honeysuckle 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Hornbeam 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Impatiens 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Impatiens (Impatiens glandulifera) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Larch 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Larch (Larix decidua) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Mimulus 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Mimulus (Mimulus guttatus) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Mustard 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Mustard (Sinapis arvensis) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Oak 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Oak (Quercus robur) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Olive 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Olive (Olea europaea) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Pine 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Pine (Pinus sylvestris) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Red Chestnut 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Red Chestnut (Aesculus carnea) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Rock Rose 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Rock Water 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Rock Water HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Scleranthus 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Scleranthus (Scleranthus annuus) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Star of Bethlehem 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Sweet Chestnut 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Vervain 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Vervain (Verbena officinalis) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Vine 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Vine (Vitis vinifera) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Walnut 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Walnut (Juglans regia) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Water Violet 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Water Violet (Hottonia palustris) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - White Chestnut 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of White Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Wild Oat 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Wild Oat (Bromus ramosus) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Wild Rose 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Wild Rose (Rosa canina) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.

Bach Original Flower Remedies - Willow 20ml

Active Ingredient
5X dilution of Willow (Salix vitellina) HPUS.

Inactive Ingredient
27% Alcohol.


Take 2 drops in mouth or in water, sip at intervals. Repeat as needed.

Advisory Information


  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a health professional before use.
  • Always consult your doctore before taking any medication.
  • This product contains alcohol
  • If you are taking any other medication which is contraindicated with alcohol, consult your doctor for advice before use.

Other Information

  • Do not use if seal is broken.

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