White Sage Smudge x4 Sticks 4-5" Cleansing Smudge Sticks - Craftmoor Whitesage

In this pack you will receive a pack of 4 white sage Smudge sticks 4-5" in length and about an inch in diameter

Our White Sage Smudge Sticks are hand made on a native american reservation. They are vegan friendly and have not been tested on animals.

White Sage grows in the Californian desert. For 1000's of years Native Americans have considered it to be a sacred burning herb (white sage smudge).

At Craftmoor we sell and supply over 4000 smudge products per week, including: White Sage Smudge Sticks, Desert Sage Smudge Sticks, Holy Wood (Palo Santo) and Vanilla Grass (Sweet Grass)

We are proud to offer a 60 day return policy, guidance and royal mail delivery tracked postage.