Organic KAMUT Khorasan Wheat Flour



  • Certified Organic by A Bee Organic
  • Certified Kosher by Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America
  • Suitable for Vegetarians
  • Suitable for Vegans
  • Non-GMO







About the product:






  • PROTEIN AND FIBER RICH: Organic Kamut Flour has 30% more protein than wheat and lots of dietary fiber.
  • DELICIOUS AND NUTTY: Ground organic Kamut flour tastes great and will improve any baked goods.
  • NUTRITIONAL BOOST: Food To Live Organic Kamut Flour is rich in B vitamins, manganese, and iron.
  • GREAT WHEAT SUBSTITUTE: Use organic Kamut flour as a more nutritious alternative to wheat.
  • USA ORGANIC PRODUCT: Organic Kamut Flour from Food To Live is Organic certified and has no toxins.






Product Description:




What Is Kamut Flour Made From?

Organic kamut flour is made from kamut, also known as Khorasan wheat. For centuries it has been consigned to history, but not it made a return. As people look for more nutritious and healthier alternatives to staple products, organic kamut flour gains more prominence. It certainly is more beneficial because of its sweet, nutty taste and a higher nutrient content.

Organic kamut grain is very similar to regular wheat, although its seeds are larger. It’s an actual ancestor of wheat but it was forgotten for a very long time. An American airman is responsible for its return to the market. In 1949, when he was in Egypt, he mailed these grains to his family in Montana. The legend has it that he picked up the seeds found in a tomb of an ancient pharaoh.

The Egyptians buried their kings with everything they might need in the afterlife, including the best foods available. The seeds were waiting in the tomb for millennia until they got to grow again.

Of course, that might just be a romanticized version of the actual story. However, the truth is that today, every American can enjoy Organic Kamut Flour from Food To Live. Today this grain remains quite rare. It’s mainly cultivated in Europe. It’s also grown in Montana, US and the seeds even made their way to Australia.


Food To Live Ground Organic Kamut Flour for You

Food To Live Organic Kamut Flour is a product relentlessly tested for quality. We guarantee that this flour is completely non-GMO and free of any toxins. The Food To Live facility and procedures comply with the strict USDA guidelines for organic food manufacturers. Both are inspected regularly to ensure the quality of all our products.

Ground Organic Kamut Flour is safe for everyone to enjoy. This product is getting more popular today as people come to appreciate its flavor and nutritional benefits.


Organic Kamut Flour: Benefits and Nutrients

In most elements, organic kamut flour is very similar to powdered durum wheat. However, as the types of wheat cultivated today aren’t particularly nutritious, this product has some advantages. The most important of them is that organic kamut flour has a higher content of proteins and dietary fiber.

Essential nutrients you can get from this grain include:


  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin E
  • Manganese
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Zinc


Like it is with any type of wheat, the levels of these elements aren’t very high. With the exceptions of manganese as 3.5 ounces of uncooked kamut grain contain 136% of its recommended daily amount.

Organic kamut flour is less nutritious than the whole grain because many chemicals destabilize when it’s processed. However, its nutritional value is still higher than regular white flour most people use for baking today.

The most notable organic kamut flour benefits are its taste and protein content.


How Is Organic Kamut Flour Special?

Ground organic kamut flour is special because it’s better for your diet. Unlike some other nutritious flours (bean or nut), it has the same ‘cooking properties’ as wheat. This means that you can use it as a substitute anytime.

However, by including organic kamut flour in your dishes, you’ll get more delicious and certainly more protein-rich products. This will matter most for vegans, vegetarians, and athletes


Is Food To Live Organic Kamut Flour Gluten-Free?

As kamut grain is a type of wheat, it contains gluten, which is a wheat protein. Therefore, when it comes to kamut flour, gluten-free diet isn’t an option. However, you need to understand that there are several types of gluten sensitivity.

In case you are avoiding this protein because of a health condition, you should avoid organic kamut flour as you do all wheat products. However, in case you are excluding them because you want to make your diet healthier, this flour will be safe.

When it comes to gluten allergy, the situation gets more complicated. Some people have only very mild reactions to wheat, so they should have an even milder one to kamut. In case your condition is severe, be sure to avoid organic kamut flour.

In some situations, people with a mild sensitivity might not have a negative reaction to this grain. However, if you want to test it, proceed with extreme care and keep track of your physical condition.


Types of Organic Kamut Flour

Like with any product of this type, there are several types of organic kamut flour, and each has its advantages. Note that they are rather similar in nutritional value and taste, so you can use them in any recipes.

Organic sprouted kamut flour is more difficult to make as the grains have to be sprouted first. This process is more labor-intensive and therefore the product itself is more expensive. As a large part of the nutritional value is lost because of the drying process, it’s not actually much ‘healthier’ than regular wholegrain flour.

Organic white kamut flour (processed) is made from seeds without the germ. Therefore, its nutritional value is lower. However, it stores longer. The taste difference is minimal and you most likely won’t feel it as it’ll be ‘overshadowed’ by other ingredients.

Wholegrain organic kamut flour has the highest nutritional value but also the shortest shelf life. It tastes a little bit richer and would be a good choice for any baked product.

You can combine organic kamut flour with any other type of flour or powder to make your own unique baking mixes. It will go exceptionally well with nut and bean flours. However, if you combine these ingredients, be sure to keep the mix in your fridge. This is especially important for all ground nut products as they are rich in oils that can go rancid fast.


Kamut Flour: Organic Vegan Baking

Organic Kamut Flour is perfect for vegans. Veganism is a lifestyle that goes beyond simply excluding meat. It embraces healthy eating habits as well as promotes eco-friendly practices. Therefore, organic products fit this diet best by default.

Organic kamut flour, in particular, is a great substitute for ordinary wheat due to its higher nutritional value. The delicious nutty flavor is also a great boon. As its properties are the same as regular flour, you can include it in any vegan baking recipe. The flavor difference is rather mild, so it won’t be very noticeable in most baked goods.


Other Uses of Organic Kamut Grain and Flour

Organic kamut flour is a product that can easily replace any other type of wheat flour in your kitchen. This means that you can use it for any baking project. The goods that contain this ingredient will taste richer. They will also be more nutritious.

Organic kamut grain can be used to produce a variety of food products, including alcoholic drinks. Kamut beer is quite delicious and so are kamut snacks that go with it. Organic kamut flour is also often included in flour mixes and specialized bread mixes in particular. You can use it for making waffles and cookies.

Don’t forget that as it’s a powder, ground organic kamut flour can be included in sauces as a thickener. It will definitely beat a regular type of white flour in this case, because it will enrich the flavor of the dish.


Delicious Organic Kamut Flour Vegan Cookies



  • 2 cups organic kamut flour
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon flaxseed (ground)
  • ¾ cup almond milk




  1. Sift together organic kamut flour, baking powder, baking soda, and sugar.
  2. Whisk together almond milk (use unsweetened), rice vinegar, and flaxseed. You’ll need to leave this mix for a few minutes so that the flaxseeds start to gel up a bit. You can try replacing them with chia seeds.
  3. Drizzle olive oil onto the flour and mix fast. Ignore small clumps that appear.
  4. Add the almond milk + flaxseed mixture and stir to combine. 
  5. Preheat your oven to 400F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Oil it a bit to ensure your cookies don’t stick. 
  6. Measure the dough using a spoon and place lumps of it onto the baking sheet about 1-2 inches apart. Flatten them a bit. 
  7. Bake your organic kamut flour cookies for about 15 minutes until they turn golden.


These vegan cookies are low in calories and would be a great treat for anyone on a weight management diet. They taste best when served warm, but you can eat them anytime. If you like, sprinkle the cookies with coarse sea salt, crushed nuts, or chopped dried fruits before baking.


Kamut Flour: Organic Vs. Regular

Food To Live Organic Kamut Flour is a quality product grown and processed without the use of any toxic chemicals. However, the word ‘organic’ on the label says much more than that. In order to be considered truly ‘organic’ the product must be created in a way that minimizes the dangers to the nature. Growing crops is extremely taxing for the planet as they exhaust the soil. They also require huge amounts of fresh water, which is a very precious natural resource.

Organic farmers use agricultural practices that help restore the health of the planet. Therefore, organic kamut flour is a product that is not only ‘pure’ and safe. It’s also created with love towards the planet.

The Food To Live facility is also organic certified. This means that we do not only avoid using any materials and substances that can contaminate the products. We believe that making the planet healthier is everyone’s duty. At Food To Live, we do our very best to contribute to this great cause with every choice.

We only work with the farmers who truly go above and beyond to ensure the soil they grow their crops on is healthy and rich. They also only use 100% natural fertilizers and other supplies so their organic kamut grains are completely free from any toxic elements.


How to Store Organic Kamut Flour Bulk

You can certainly buy Organic Kamut Flour in bulk as this product keeps very well. In order to ensure its maximum shelf life, you’ll need to follow some simple directions. They are general guidelines for storing any flour, so you can apply them to the majority of dry powdered products.

All whole grain flours store a bit less than refined products. This happens because they contain the germ from the seed, which has oils in it. Those oils go rancid when exposed to air and therefore, it’s essential to keep the product in a tightly shut container. It also must be airtight.

The best way to slow down the oxidation, which leads to spoilage is to store your organic kamut flour at some cool place. You can put it in the fridge or freezer for maximum efficiency.

Please know that if organic white kamut flour is refined, it can keep much longer. However, you should store it in a dry and cool place anyway. An airtight container is a must in any case. It’s the ‘rule of thumb’ for any type of dry goods.

Moisture is the biggest threat to your organic kamut flour, so be sure to avoid it at all costs. Should humidity get to it, the product will go rancid much faster. It will also develop ugly lumps that will prevent you from cooking with it.

You’ll be able to determine is Organic Kamut Flour is good as it will develop an unpleasant rancid smell if the product is spoiled. This won’t happen for many months if you follow the storage instructions.