Groundbreaking new product from Aspen Pittman Designs, the Center Point Stereo Spacestation XL

CPS - Center Point Stereo

CPS produces mind boggling 3D stereo everywhere in the room, and beyond the room...all from a single speaker.
It must be heard to be believed!

Revolutionary solution for live music performances!

From a CPS user "Everything else is just a box!"

The Spacestation XL (aka: the SXL) will work with most any stereo based instrument such as all stereo keyboards, modeled stereo guitar processor like the Fractal Audio AXE-FX, the Kemper Profiler or all the Line 6 products from Pods to Helix, or any laptop computer running stereo modeling software.

It will also work very nicely with stereo mixers, any MP3 (iPod) playing device or even computer gaming systems (this signal via the device’s headphone jack) that mix stereo instruments with   vocals using stereo FX, your who;e band can be mixed down and broadcasted in 3D stereo sound (300 degrees!) and sound/play with quality sound like they're in a studio and every band member will hear EXACTLY the same mix, and know the  audience is hearing the same thing!

Sounds to good to be true? We hear that all the time...but but ask anyone who is using CPS and they will tell you; it REALLY works!


Product features and descriptions:

The ‘Goez-inna’ (inputs):

The SXL has two identical input channels, each with balanced ¼” TRS inputs for Left and Right signals, although unbalance TS signals will work just fine too (NOTE: most instruments are unbalanced, and just using TRS balanced cables will not change that!).  Each channel has dual sensitivity options; select the best input sensitivity for your signal source; LO or HI.  


A typical instrument level -10dB stereo signal from a stereo keyboard, a stereo guitar pedal, a stereo guitar modeling system or other stereo instrument source will yield best results when set to ‘HI’ sensitivity (note; headphone outputs may also be used and are more likely to work best set for ‘HI’ sensitivity). 


Stereo signals from a line level mixer (with multiple instruments or microphone channels mixed down to a single stereo output) or other audio source that have a +4dB ‘line level’ signal strength such as some guitar modeling systems or possibly a computer audio line output from your laptop computer or tablet may work best using a ‘LO’ sensitivity setting. 


The ‘Goez-outta’ (outputs):

There are three balanced +4dB line level outputs, each having both ¼” TRS and XLR output sockets.  These three output signals are LEFT, RIGHT, and also a MONO (LEFT+RIGHT) output. The Left and Right outputs will have the ‘mixed’ result from the two SXL input channels, while the MONO output has the mixed result of both channels but the Left and Right signals are summed to MONO, which can be useful for various applications from adding another amp to the far side of a stage, or sending a FOH (Front of House) signal to the venue PA system.


{Note: The more dramatic the stereo separation from your stereo sound source, the better CPS 3D magic will work. If you have a programmable stereo effects device, and some Keyboards have a global control for the stereo effects, be sure to create the hardest left/right programs to increase the dramatic CPS effect.


Three Class D amps;

Two for the custom designed 2-way electronically crossed coax Front speaker w/ a 12" woofer and a 1" HF Titanium driver. 
The front panel HFQ level sets the ratio of the High FreQuency co-ax driver to the 12” woofer.Or in other words, it balances the frequency response of the Front system’s 2-way Bi-Amped co-ax speaker system. 

One for the CPS unique Side speaker system that uses two 6.5" full range speakers.
It raises the level of the amp driving the side speakers...which employ a new CPS patented DTAS: Digital Transducer Alignment technology to increase the 3D stereo effect.  So you can adjust (customize) how wide the CPS 3D stereo effect is, depending on how wide your stereo source is, and/or how live (or dead) your room acoustics are...very handy!

SXL Specifications:
