Superfish Forest Deco Wood

Artificial Wood Ornaments Made From Resin.

Realistic looking copies of natural driftwood for beautiful underwater decoration and aquascaping. 100% safe for fish and the aquarium eco system.

Aquascaping made easy! What you see is what you get. Unlike natural wood every piece is identical, so you can plan your scape before even placing your order. These wood ornaments do not leach any tannins or discolour the water like natural wood does.


Mangrove Root S 35x16.5x22cm
Mangrove Root L 29x22x32cm

Tree Root S 20.5x11x13cm
Tree Root L 49x24x21cm

Log Wood S 17.5x10x8cm
Log Wood L 33x12x13cm

Deco Tree XS 16.5x11.5x17cm
Deco Tree S 23x16x17cm
Deco Tree M 19x14x17.5cm
Deco Tree L 29x19x26.5cm
Deco Tree XL 20x15x25cm

Standing Root M 17x12.5x14cm
Standing Root L 26x15x24.5cm

Tree Home S 15x14x20.5cm
Tree Home L 24x22x37cm

Tree Monster S 12x12x16cm
Tree Monster M 28x14x17cm
Tree Monster L 25x22x29cm