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instructions information :

Garlic needs a chilling period However some cultivars can be planted in early spring. Garlic grows well in sunny.On heavy, wet soils, you can start them off in modules in a cold frame before planting out in spring.

Garlic grows well in sunny, well-drained sites. Before planting dig in some well-rotted organic matter. For every square metre/yard add 25g (1oz) of general-purpose fertiliser.

Plant individual cloves so the tips are 2.5cm (1in) below the soil surface. Space 15cm (6in) apart and in rows 30cm (12in) apart.

It should be the coarse construction grade sand. Silica sand and beach sand has too fine of particle size. Sand adds weight to pots. Soilless mixes - Or forget all the mixing and use soilless mixes that contain no soil but use organic materials such as peat moss, ground bark.

Garlic may begin growth late in fall or early in spring.

Sow garlic in Winter of you want fast growing garlic Sep Oct Nov ready in early to mid Summer.

Garlic generally ready for harvesting when the leaves begin to turn yellow or brown and dry out. If you have sown garlic in the previous Autumn then June is typically the best time for harvesting in the South of England. There isn’t an exact harvest time indicator just keep in mind that if you leave the garlic until all the leaves have turned yellow then the cloves may not keep as well.  If the plants are still quite green with only a hint of yellow on the tips it may be too early.r