What is a SmartDot?

SmartDot is a programmed magnetic unit which harmonizes and retunes harmful electromagnetic frequencies and wavelengths your electric devices (Phones, Laptops, Tablets, SmartPhones, WiFi, Routers, SmartTVs, Wireless Chargers, Wireless Devices, Smart Watches) emitting.

Protect yourself against the harmful biological effects of Electric Devices and 
Mobile Towers with this State-of-the Art product!

Made In the UK!

We are official EMF Protection partner for elite athletes including: 

How does SmartDot work?

As our body and cells sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, and they are also consisting of wavelengths, your body picks these wavelengths up and reacts to them on a certain way.

All materials consist of condensed energy, which all has wavelengths. 

Our Smart devices continuously radiating these wavelengths, which has some harmful effects to all life forms.

There are certain wavelengths which help life to improve and get harmonized. These are stored in our SmartDot.

Your SmartPhone heats up your brain if it is close enough to your head. 

Did you know that it is suggested to use your phone 0.5 - 1.5 cm from your head to be safe? Read your mobile phone’s Manual and Settings.

Do you put your phone against your head?

Then it might heat up your head and interfere with your normal biological functions.


What is the solution?

You can live a life with no Smart devices at all, and move to a desert. But if you are already surrounded by them, and cannot move to a rural area, then it is better to be protected.

Just try to turn on your WiFi on your phone in a city or on the street, and see how many WiFi signals your phone can reach. These all has effect on your body and way of thinking.

So, cancel these harmful effects by sticking a SmartDot onto your devices.

It protects all living forms around the gadget with our SmartDot.

Protect Your Family! Put a SmartDot on your kid's tablet and mobile or BabyMonitor, on your SmartTV, WiFi Router, SmartPhone, Laptop, Ipad, Tablet or SmartWatch.

You are safe by your SmartDot. This is the place to be!

Less stress, less worry, better health, better thinking!

How does it work?

As you can store any information on magnetic stripes (like old casettes, tapes or bank cards), it is also possible to store this unique harmonic frequency and utilize it for yourself.

By using SmartDot on your Smart Devices, you retune these harmful electromagnetic fields, and help your body to relax and function as it originally should.

It has positive effect on plants and your pets, too.

Just stick a SmartDot on your device, and it does the job.