Have you ever felt overwhelmed by having too much to do, and, no matter how hard you try, or much you hurry to get everything done, nothing gets finished - and sometimes never even gets started?! In this tale, Eric the Oracle and his friends at Blockley Bank are peacefully enjoying the sunshine and chatting amongst themselves, when suddenly, everyone can hear the loud buzzing of Mr Buzz getting closer and closer. He's flying at great speed, here, there and everywhere - but getting nowhere. 

As predicted by Eric the Oracle, Mr Buzz soon ends up buzzing himself into the river, where two trout rescue him and take him to Eric's leafy platform to dry out. You can learn from Eric the Oracle's chat with Mr Buzz, how to deal with feeling overwhelmed with everything and how to be more effective. You can also find out how important it is to be mindful of the world about you and not be so busy that you forget to stop and look around. 

When you relax, you can see and think more clearly. See what a difference you can make to your life by just being mindful!

Through the wisdom of Eric the Oracle, the series of Relax 'n Learn Teaching Tales offers lots of help on developing self-awareness, managing your life better and finding happiness.