Ubuntu 18.04.2 (Bionic Beaver) 64 Bit
Desktop / Laptop USB Flash Drive
With bonus Linux tutorial / data CD

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Ubuntu 18.04.2 64 Bit Install / Live
USB Flash Drive With Persistence

Version 18.04.2 Release Date: February 10, 2019

NOTE: This distro comes on a USB Flash Drive. Please ensure that your system has USB 2.0 + ports before ordering. 

Basic information about Ubuntu 18.04.2

Let’s start with some basic information.

  • It’s a new LTS (Long Term Support) release. So you get 5 years of support for both the desktop and server version.
  • Named “Bionic Beaver”. The founder of Canonical, Mark Shuttleworth, explained the meaning behind the name. The mascot is a Beaver because it’s energetic, industrious, and an awesome engineer – which perfectly describes a typical Ubuntu user, and the new Ubuntu release itself. The “Bionic” adjective is due to the increased number of robots that run on the Ubuntu Core.

What’s New in Ubuntu 18.04

All the new features in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS:

Color emojis are now supported 👏👏👏

With previous versions, Ubuntu only supported monochrome (black and white) emojis, which quite frankly, didn’t look so good. Ubuntu 18.04 will support colored emojis by using the Noto Color Emoji font. With 18.04, you can view and add color emojis with ease everywhere. They are supported natively – so you can use them without using 3-rd party apps or installing/configuring anything extra. You can always disable the color emojis by removing the font.

GNOME desktop environment

Ubuntu started using the GNOME desktop environment with Ubuntu 17.10 instead of the default Unity environment. Ubuntu 18.04 will continue using GNOME. This is a major change to Ubuntu.

This article will mainly focus on Ubuntu’s changes, but GNOME has also done a lot of changes to their desktop environment, as well as new features. An improved dock, an on-screen keyboard, and more. So check out GNOME’s website for more info.

Ubuntu 18.04 with a Faster Boot Speed

The Ubuntu desktop team has been working on improving the boot time on the new Ubuntu 18.04 release. We expect a big improvement

Xorg will be used by default instead of Wayland

Ubuntu 17.10 used the Wayland graphics server by default. With Ubuntu 18.04, the default graphics server will change to Xorg. Wayland will still be available as an option, but Xorg will be the default, out of the box one. The Ubuntu Desktop team decided to go with Xorg for its compatibility with services like Skype, Google Hangouts, WebRTC services, VNC and RDP, and more.

Lots of improvements and bug fixes

The most notable improvement will be in CPU usage. The Ubuntu Desktop team has greatly improved and reduced the CPU usage caused by Ubuntu 18.04.

They’ve also fixed hundreds of bugs and made hundreds of other small improvements.

Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop will have a new app pre-installed

The new LTS desktop release will ship with a new app pre-installed by default. The app is GNOME To Do and it’s a very useful app for organizing lists, tasks, and more. You can prioritize them. color them, set due dates, and a number of other features.

Ubuntu 18.04 minimal install option

Ubuntu 18.04 will use Ubiquity, the Ubuntu installer you’re probably already familiar with. Though the developers plan on implementing Subiquity, 18.04 will use Ubiquity, which will have a new “minimal install" option that you can choose during setup. Minimal install basically means the same Ubuntu, but without most of the pre-installed software. The minimal install option does not make Ubuntu 18.04 lightweight. It only saves about 500 MB. The minimal Ubuntu 18.04 version is only 28MB in size (when compressed). If you need a lightweight alternative, use something like Lubuntu.

Applications will be installed as snaps by default

They been planning on using snaps for a while, and they finally shipped GNOME Calculator as a snap instead of a deb. This is a test to help the Desktop team find and fix any bugs. They’ll later on move more applications to snap in the final release. Using snaps will make the process of installing and updating apps much easier. You can even install snaps on any distro and device.

Ubuntu 18.04 will ship with Linux Kernel 4.15

Ubuntu’s daily builds started to ship with Linux Kernel 4.15 by default – the latest stable release of the Linux kernel.  4.15 has fixed the Spectre and Meltdown issues, among other things.


Ubuntu comes with everything you need to run your organisation, school, home or enterprise. All the essential applications, like an office suite, browsers, email and media apps come pre-installed and thousands more games and applications are available in the Ubuntu software centre.

Open source

Ubuntu has always been free to download, use and share. We believe in the power of open source software; Ubuntu could not exist without its worldwide community of voluntary developers.


With a built-in firewall and virus protection software, Ubuntu is one of the most secure operating systems around. And the Long Term Support releases give you five years of security patches and updates.


Computing is for everyone regardless of nationality, gender or disability. Ubuntu is fully translated into over 40 languages and includes essential assistive technologies.

Looks great on the latest hardware

Ubuntu is designed to work beautifully on the latest laptops, desktops and touch screen devices, it looks incredible on high resolution screens — and with touch screen enhancements and interface refinements including individual menu bars in each application window, it’s now even easier to use.