Tobacco  5000+ (1 gr ) 
Clean seeds without dry leaves, etc.
With prices and health concerns regarding commercial types of tobacco products skyrocketing, a new generation is discovering that growing and processing their own tobacco, free of dangerous chemical additives, is a very simple and straightforward process!
Tobacco is a very easy plant to grow and requires only 65-70 frost free nights to mature once transplanted outside.
Anyone with a small garden plot can grow tobacco and processing the tobacco is a simple straightforward process that the average gardener will have no problem with. Even after buying papers, filters and flavoring, you can make your own cigarettes that are superior to any commercial brand This plant grows fast and is also high yielding plant. Leaves turn yellow as they mature. A tobacco plant will produce about 3-4 ounces of dry, cured tobacco. Tobacco requires about 4-6 weeks to reach transplant size from the time you sow the seeds. Tobacco takes about 90-120 days to mature. Tobacco is very easy to grow and has basically the same requirements in the garden as tomatoes. If you have ever had success growing tomatoes, well, tobacco is even easier.
The seeds are really tiny. For this reason and because of its very high germination rate, when we plant them in the seedbed, we always obtain too many seedlings per alveol and complicate their separation enough to replant them. One trick is to mix the seeds with the triple amount of fine sand.