The seeds are clean without dry leaves and other materials.

Believe it or not, but tobacco, as it was cultivated, had truly beneficial effects on the human body (which of course does not apply to the refined and modern one). 

On the one hand, we were told that tobacco and nicotine are harmful, but on the other hand, we find that niacin or vitamin B3 are good. The truth could be surprising: tobacco products have changed - they have been removed from nicotine, replaced with other safer synthesis substances. Which could lead us to the following conclusion: 

In reality, people smoke and chew something toxic, not quality tobacco.

For example, it was well known that natural tobacco strengthens the immune system, improving energy production and amplifying liver metabolic reactions. 

Tobacco is the richest natural source of vitamin B in the world. Nothing compares to him in this regard. 

The concentration of vitamin B in tobacco reaches up to 30%! 

Moreover, the researcher in the rejuvenation of the human body advises us even to use natural tobacco in the diet, that is, small quantities of dried or fresh leaves in our salads, in beans or in soups, and as a result we get all the amount of vitamin B that we need. However, it is recommended to add a quantity of lemon juice or apple vinegar to make the tobacco leaves digestible.

"PH of tobacco is 10-11. Lemon juice and apple vinegar have a pH of 2. Stomach acid has a pH between -1 and +1. For each plus or minus the pH scale (7 is considered to be the neutral pH, the upper values ​​are alkaline and the lower ones are acidic), the pH changes 10 times. So a pH of 10 is 1000 times more alkaline than a 7 ", Thomas claims. Secondly, your body is unable to build healthy tissue with synthetic vitamins. So when the natural reserve of vitamin B in the human body decreases, our body suffers.