Looking for a toner that is gentle on damaged or compromised strands? Matrix Color Sync Sheer Acidic Toner’s low pH formula and high-gloss doesn’t expand the cuticle and provides a sheer tonal deposit without shifting the natural base. The Sheer Acidic Toners come in four shades: Sheer Violet, Sheer Ash, Sheer Steel and Sheer Nude. They can be applied on natural or pre-lightened hair, but work best on Level 8 or higher. 

Please note: Matrix are repackaging and altering the formula to a Pre Bonded formula. We cannot guarantee which packaging you will receive. Please do message before placing your order if you have any queries. We are not liable for postage costs to return if you receive the new packaging over the old. Our old packaging is in limited stock and the majority is in the new packaging now.