Halloween Tattoos

Halloween Zombie Temporary Tattoos


One sheet size A5


•Long Cut 12cm by 0.7cm
•Three Scratches 9cm by 2.5cm
•Deep Long Cut 11cm by 1.3cm
•Small Three Scratches 8cm by 2cm
•Other cuts from 5cm up to 8cm
•Fang bites 1cm up to 2.5cm

Easy to apply

Please apply to clean dry oil/moisturiser free skin only, or they will not stick.

Cut out desired design, peel of clear film press firmly on skin, pat with a damp cloth or sponge over the tattoo paper for about 30/60 seconds .

>Please note these are temporary long lasting tattoo, which can last for days (or before if removed with oil). Apply oil before bed and they will wash of easily in the morning.

WARNING: Do not apply to sensitive skin. Please note that we recommend that you try a very small practice tattoo on skin (particularly children's) - just in case.

Please note these are temporary long lasting tattoo, which can last for days (or before if removed with oil)

WARNING: Do not apply to sensitive skin

Please note that we recommend that you try a very small practice tattoo on skin (particularly children's) - just in case.