1999 Pokemon Master Trainer Replacement Pieces, Cards, or Parts


Pokemon Master Trainer Replacement Pieces

Please use the drop box to select the missing parts that you need.


Use the following for Reference.

A complete Pokemon Master Trainer (1999) Game should consist of the following components:

  • 150 Pokemon chips
  • 6 ash movers
  • 5 rival cards (Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, Lance & Gary)
  • 1 storage tray
  • 54 item cards
  • 54 event cards
  • 2 dice
  • 1 Rules and Instructions booklet.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of the parts list required to play the game.

1 Game Board
2 Standard 5/8" 6-Sided Dice
1 Yellow Ash Mover
1 Blue Ash Mover
1 Orange Ash Mover
1 Pink Ash Mover
1 Green Ash Mover
1 Brown Ash Mover
1 Clefairy Starter Chip
1 Pikachu Starter Chip
1 Bulbasaur Starter Chip
1 Charmander Starter Chip
1 Squirtle Starter Chip
1 Meowth Starter Chip
1 Set of 24 Pink #2 Chips
1 Set of 11 Pink #3 Chips
1 Set of 25 Green #4 Chips
1 Set of 16 Green #5 Chips
1 Set of 21 Blue #6 Chips
1 Set of 17 Blue #7 Chips
1 Set of 16 Red #6 Chips
1 Set of 10 Red #7 Chips
1 Set of 4 Yellow Chips
1 Lorelei Rival Card
1 Bruno Rival Card
1 Agatha Rival Card
1 Lance Rival Card
1 Gary Rival Card
1 Storage Tray
54 Event Cards:
5 Chance Cards
10 Attack Cards
10 Unknown Dungeon Pokemon Cards
10 Trade Pokemon Cards
9 Take 1 Item Card
5 Take 2 Items Card
3 Take 3 Items Card
2 Pokemon Center Cards

54 Item Cards:
4 Time Machine
5 Potion
5 Fly
4 Poke' Doll
6 Great Ball
6 Master Ball
6 Ultra Ball
4 Attack Bonus 1
4 Attack Bonus 2
4 Attack Bonus 3
3 Attack Bonus 4
3 Attack Bonus 5

Pink #2 (24 chips)

- Bellsprout
- Caterpie
- Doduo
- Diglet
- Exeggcute
- Gastly
- Geodude
- Goldeen
- Horsea
- Krabby
- Magikarp
- Magnemite
- Nidoran ♀ (female)
- Nidoran ♂ (male)
- Oddish
- Pidgey
- Poliwag
- Rattata
- Shellder
- Spearow
- Tentacool
- Venonat
- Weedle
- Zubat

Pink #3 (11 chips)

- Abra
- Ekans
- Grimer
- Jigglypuff
- Paris
- Psyduck
- Sandshrew
- Slowpoke
- Staryu
- Voltorb
- Vulpix

Green #4 (25 chips)

- Cloyster
- Cubone
- Drowzee
- Dugtrio
- Electrode
- Gloom
- Golbat
- Graveler
- Kakuna
- Kingler
- Machop
- Magneton
- Mankey
- Metapod
- Muk
- Nidorina
- Pidgeotto
- Poliwhirl
- Sandslash
- Seadra
- Seaking
- Starmie
- Tangela
- Tentacruel
- Weepingbell

Green #5 (16 chips)

- Clefable
- Ditto
- Dodrio
- Eevee
- Growlithe
- Haunter
- Kadabra
- Koffing
- Lickitung
- Nidorino
- Parasect
- Ponyta
- Porygon
- Seel
- Slowbro
- Wigglytuff

Blue #6 (21 chips)

- Arbok
- Beedrill
- Butterfree
- Farfetch'd
- Fearow
- Golduck
- Golem
- Hitmonchan
- Hitmonlee
- Jynx
- Machoke
- Marowak
- Pidgeot
- Pinsir
- Poliwrath
- Raichu
- Raticate
- Rhyhorn
- Venomoth
- Victreebel
- Weezing

Blue #7 (17 chips)

- Charmeleon
- Dratini
- Flareon
- Hypno
- Ivysaur
- Jolteon
- Kabuto
- Mr. Mime
- Nidoking
- Nidoqueen
- Ninetales
- Omanyte
- Persian
- Primeape
- Vaporeon
- Vileplume
- Wartortle

Red #6 (16 chips)

- Aerodactyl
- Alakazam
- Arcanine
- Dewgong
- Dragonair
- Electabuzz
- Exeggutor
- Kabutops
- Kangaskhan
- Lapras
- Magmar
- Omastar
- Onix
- Rapidash
- Rhydon
- Scyther

Red #7 (10 chips)

- Blastoise
- Chansey
- Charizard
- Dragonite
- Gengar
- Gyrados
- Machamp
- Snorlax
- Tauros
- Venusaur

Yellow #8 (4 chips)

- Articuno
- Mewtwo
- Moltres
- Zapdos