Box of 10 roll transfer foils

Each roll: 2.5cm x 1m

Except #7 Cellophane 2.5cm x 50cm


Usage with polish

Step 1: Applying base colour(dark colour recommended) of nail polish to the nail and then wait to 90% dry.

gently press the polish, when it's still tacky it's best time to do it (you can see your finger print on it when you press it). 

if the polish sticks on your finger then it's not ready. 

Step2: Pre-cut some different designs, find the right spot to lay it on.

you can mix and match with all different designs to make a fabulous look! create your own unique nails!

Step3: Give a little press, quickly peel it off from your nail. (different pressure with different layout)

colour side up, when done correctly you can see the design will be transferred onto your nails.

Step4: Finish with clear top coat.

top coat might dull the design a little. uv gel can get the best effect of the foil. 



Usage with UV gel

same steps as how you do normal uv nails.

Step 1:  do the primer layer and put under the lamp.

Step 2: put colour uv gel, (dark colour recommended) and put under the lamp. 

Step 3: lay the foil onto the nail when the gel is still tacky to the touch.

Step 4: finish with sealer and put under the lamp.


How to use:  Foil Transfer Gel

Pre your nails, paint your base colour, if your foil is full cover, you can also just use our transfer gel to transfer the whole imgae.

Apply transfer gel, cure under LED lamp for 30 seconds, UV for 2 minutes. (might have curing heat, just need to take your hands out let it cool and put it back in)

Cut out the design you want from the foil slight bigger than your nail, and apply onto your nails, press it each corner to make sure all foil fully transfer.

Apply clear gel to smooth surface (optional)

Apply top coat to seal your nail.