2 x 1L Termdior
APVMA Approval No: 54624/61733

No other termite control system of any type has ever achieved such a high level of efficacy with 100% effectiveness in eradicating termites in three months or less. So it’s not surprising that millions of home-owners like you have made Termidor the #1 termite control product in America. Results have been comparable in Sydney, Australia, where one out of three houses at sometime experience termites.

Termidor is Best choice when choosing chemical barriers for termite control. It has been extensively tested, and in test after test it has provided 100% control of termites in 3 months or less. 

Seven Good reasons why we use Termidor:

  1. 1.It is one of the most tested termite control products on the market.
  2. 2.It has proved 100% effective in all soil types, and against different species of termites
  3. 3.Termidor has provided unmatched protection on homes in the Australia, USA, Japan and France.
  4. 4.It doesn't leach or move from the treated site. It works in a different fashion from other termite barriers which are repellents to termites.
  5. 5.In other termiticides, white-ants keep trying to find gaps in the barrier to gain entry into the building.
  6. 6.Termites can forage through treated areas and be unaware that they are contacting the termiticide and will gather it on their bodies and transfer it when    they return to the colony.
  7. 7.Lasts more than twice as long as some other termite control treatments as well as killing off termite’s colonies and therefore better value for money. 

  8.    Termidor is a professional grade insecticide that has been formulated to target and eradicate termites and ants. When these social, ground dwelling insects come into contact with Termidor, they carry it back to their nest on their bodies. As the pests interact with each other, the insecticide is spread throughout the colony. With proper treatment, Termidor creates a formidable barrier around your home that will last for more than 10 years.

    How to apply TERMIDORlink : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hM_6jcs9Hzw