Boost your Rankings with these High Quality EDU Profile Backlinks

EDU profiles are a simple and effective way to give a boost to your SEO efforts. Links from .EDU domains possess a high degree of trust due to their origin – who wouldn’t trust a domain that belongs to educational institutions? 

We create profiles on such .EDU domains and insert your link in them. As a result, you get reliable backlinks that are far more trustworthy than any other ordinary backlinks. The domains these profile links are built upon have a DA range from 40 up to 92, this is a very high rating, making them very high quality. Having links such as these gives your website a seal of approval in the eyes of the search engine algorithms.

All these links are manually built and in accordance with all industry best practices, this is a 100% safe service.

By having links of such a high quality and trust factor you are ticking a big box in the checklist needed to get the higher rankings in the search results. That's pretty much what SEO comes down to, a checklist. The more boxes you tick, the higher your chances of obtaining the higher positions in the results. Order now and get this area of necessary SEO checked off.