Spirularin VS Cream 10ml

Spirularin VS promotes healthy skin regeneration by carefully targeted affected areas of the skin. It uses a highly concentrated yet natural microalgae extract which has been proven to provide effective protection from warts and verruca’s.

Areas which are especially effected by warts include the feet and hands, especially the areas directly next to and underneath the nails. 

Traditional treatment options for warts and verruca s include cryotherapy (freezing), the application of acidic chemicals or surgery. All of the traditional methods inadvertently cause some damage to healthy tissue whilst removing the verruca virus, which can cause pain and frequent relapses.

Spirularin VS however, works by promoting the body s own immune system to accelerate the growth of healthy human cells of the targeted area. Spirularin also creates an effective barrier around the verrucae virus with a competitive receptor blocade. This forces the virus to be contained without spreading further or gaining strength. As layers of skin are naturally shed from the surface and new layers grow, the verruca virus will leave the skin naturally, without risk of pain or scarring.

It has no known side effects and is also safe for use by children and patients with medical conditions such as diabetes.

” Healthy human cells are accelerated in their speed of proliferation
” Skin tissue is not destroyed, i.e. no pain and no wound!
” Warts tissue is replaced by healthy skin tissue step by step

Spirularin NS Serum 10ml

It uses a highly concentrated and patented spirulina microalgae extract which has been proven to provide effective protection from microbial and nail infections.

Spirulina microalgae are amongst the oldest forms of life on earth. Their successful survival through the millenia is mainly due to two unique Spirulina properties: a highly effective defence against harmful microbes, and their inherent ability to regenerate. Using proprietary processing methods Ocean Pharma have successfully extracted, preserved and incorporated these natural active ingredients into their Spirularin skincare range.

Spirularin Mousse 125ml (UK MAINLAND SHIPPING ONLY)

This natural formulation is designed to ensure Spirulina extracts penetrate deep layers of the epidermis helping to enhance the skins natural defences and boots regeneration of new skin cells. 

Spirulina microalgae are amongst the oldest forms of life on earth. Their successful survival through the millenia is mainly due to two unique Spirulina properties: a highly effective defence against harmful microbes, and their inherent ability to regenerate. Using proprietary processing methods Ocean Pharma have successfully extracted, preserved and incorporated these natural active ingredients into their Spirularin skincare range.

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