4 oz Non-GMO seeds

Giant Cuzco Inca White Giant Corn

  An ancient giant corn that fueled the Inca Empire

Vegetable Seeds:  About 100 seeds depending on size. Genuine viable Cuzco corn imported from Peru. Rare and hard to find. Often what is sold as this is really white Hickory King instead. This has been a hard one to keep in stock. Sold by weight. 

Giant one inch kernels sit upon huge two foot long ears anchored upon towering 25-foot stalks. The king of all corns, larger even than Hickory King. This heirloom corn was a staple among the Incas and is still a favorite south of the border. Some kernels are as big as a quarter! About 25 seeds per ounce.

Giant white corn is perfect for posole, hominy and masa harina. This corn can also be baked or slaked, broiled or boiled, fried or dried, or used in soup du jour, or tossed with rice and spice. Young fresh ears may be boiled and eaten like a sweet corn (mildly sweet). A truly versatile food that powered the Inca Empire for many centuries. 

Plant corn in spring in blocks, not rows. No frost. Standard corn protocols. 

A great, non-GMO corn for fresh garden picking or to dry for grinding into cornmeal. Mildly sweet. 

Corn, or maize, wouldn’t exist as we know it if not for ancient humans who developed it from fields of ancient grain. Corn as we know it was developed by humans over centuries from a grass called teosinte. (Most people think of corn as a vegetable, but it’s really a grain). Scientists believe that corn was developed by the native peoples living in central Mexico over 7,000 years ago. The natives throughout North and South America eventually depended on maize for most of their diet. Corn spread throughout the Americas and was discovered by explorers from Europe who had never seen corn. There are numerous varieties of corn nowadays.

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