Florida Water Murray & Lanman Cologne 221ml

The Murray & Lanman Florida Water label was designed by the famous French Designer, Du Maurier, who chose to depict the flower potpourri, birds, troubadours, and the Fountain of Youth because of the FRESH PLEASANT FRAGRANCE of Murray and Lanman Florida Water and also from the knowledge that the Spaniard, Juan Ponce de Leon, discovered Florida in 1512 while searching for the Fountain of Youth.

Murray and Lanman Florida Water was introduced into the United States market on February 14, 1808. Immediately it gained popularity and approval from the consumer and became a worldwide, well-known cologne, not only because of it's delightful fragrance but also because of the more than twenty uses attributed to it.

We are proud to make the statement that on our 180th anniversary, our formula and label are still very much in use and remain favored throughout the world.

 Murray & Lanman's Florida Water, the original and only cologne you will ever need.