It’s Time to quit stamp dealing.

Selling off all the backroom stuff.

$200.00   catalogue value of better stamps - both mint and used with many MNH   for $34.00 

This huge inventory was purchased many years ago from firms like Kelleher and Greg Manning, both large stamp auction houses . 

This lot will not contain modern wallpaper or sand dunes or C-T-O  from   iron curtain countries, These will be stamps you can add to your albums and even resell  if they are duplicates to what you have .

This is a huge inventory and not able to fill specific requests . Very few will be minimum value stamps  that are listed in the catalogs unless they are part of a set .

                                                      Great way to add value to your collection.

$3.50 postage U.S. / Overseas orders are  shipped  insure with tracking ,please contact for shipping cost first .