Most popular blade collection here.

5 Derby Extra blades
5 Gillette Astra blades
5 Shark Chrome blades
10 Treet Classic blades
5 Lord Platinum blades blue
5 Gillette Perma Sharp blades
5 Gillette 7 O clock blades
10 Dorco Red Double Edge Razor blades

These are really really top of the line blades.  Between these, it's a matter of liking one thing slightly more than the other.  all of them give me superior shave, with just slightly different feel for each of them.  

Note : To keep the price low, you may not always get the blades in their own boxes.  They may go out as singles carefully wrapped to protect the blades.  Also, manufacturers change packaging time to time, so you will not always get the blades in the same wrappers.  But rest assured you are getting quality blades from top quality manufacturers.