PRAANA TEA Premium Pure Peppermint Herbal Tea, 100 g

Peppermint tea, a well-crafted variant from the PRAANA TEA is a unique infusion to unwind.  The premium quality whole leaves of peppermint are sun-dried and directly sourced from the USA to give a better taste, freshness and yellow-green colour when infused alone.  The revitalizing Peppermint Green Tea acts as a soothing health tonic, gives comfort in stress and headache.   The tea is widely loved for its aroma and ice-hot flavour, which leaves cool and refreshing after taste.  It offers mental alertness without added caffeine; it prevents heartburn and helps digestion especially when taken after meals.

Premium Pure Peppermint LEAVES: Whole leaf, 2nd cut, sifted. field grewn, sun-dried and machine milled