30g Natural Dried Herbs For sensual/romantic/erotic lucid dreams. (Lucid dreams are those where the dreamer realises they are dreaming and take control over the dream).

This special erotic blend contains Blue Lotus, Damiana, Mugwort, Ginkgo Biloba, Passion Flower, Chamomile, Lemon Balm and rose petals.

Remember - each additional item from me is only 0.50p postage and packaging with a maximum of £3.95.

This herb blend includes:

Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris)

A well known herb for lucid dreaming. Known to make dreams more vivid, improve your recall and give you access to ‘divine’ visions.

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea Caerulea)

Blue Lotus works as a euphoric, as an aphrodisiac and heightens awareness. Mild hallucinations occur at higher dosages. The calming and relaxing effects of the Blue Lotus tea are perfect for a late evenings and after a busy day. When taken before going a sleep it induces vivid and lucid dreams. The Blue lily was a sacred plant for the ancient Egyptians and created day and night.

Damiana (Turnera diffusa)

Damiana affects the psyche, producing a mild emotional uplift that can last for up to ninety minutes. Taken before bed, damiana relaxes one for love-making and promotes pleasant dreams. The dried flowers and leaves of the damiana plant are commonly smoked as an aphrodisiac.

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is said to act as an aphrodisiac by helping relax blood vessels and increase blood flow. The increased blood flow also helps improve memory and therefore dream recall.

It’s been found to boost not only memory but also cognitive speed, which both help you to have better dreams. Ginkgo has been a common ancient Chinese medicine for many years, for good reason. It’s not the most potent lucid herb but it certainly works! It’s commonly used as a treatment for conditions like Alzheimers.

Passion Flower

Passion Flower has been used by native americans for medical purposes for hundreds of years. Its roots and leaves contain alkaloids that function as MAO inhibitors, which gives the plant its anti-depressant quality and also increases the effects of mind-altering drugs. Scientific studies proved that Passion Flower reduces anxiety naturally, without any side-effects currently known. It is widely used as a soft sedative, anticonvulsant and hypnagogue. Also, it has been said that the plant helps to induce a powerful imagination, which is why it appears on many lists of natural lucid dream triggers.

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

A 2003 study in the journal Neuropsychopharmolocology found that lemon balm indirectly encourages sleep by improving mood and inducing mental calmness. Lemon balm can be called a nootropic, or a brain-enhancing supplement, as it can improve cognitive performance too.


A very relaxing herb which is known to help people fall asleep faster and for longer giving you more time for those sensual lucid dreams!

Rose petals

The rose is the symbol of love and romance! Sweetly fragrant and adds a gentle romantic quality to your dreams.

This is a blend of 100% natural herbs which have been traditionally used to aid lucid dreaming by making tea or adding to a smoking blend. What you choose to do with your herbs is up to you but must absolutely not be ingested if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, allergic to any of the herbs or on any medications. Always do your own research and ask the advice of a professional if necessary.

I also sell self-fill (empty) tea bags if you need them. Please see my other items for details.

Any questions please feel free to ask 😊