See description below...

5 PCS Ready soldered 0402 (1mm x 0.5mm) LEDS in Red, Blue, Green, Yellow or Cold White.

Choose from 5 red, 5 blue, 5 yellow, 5 green, 5 white or one of each colour.

As with all diodes, Vf varies with colour from just over 2V for red to almost 3.5V for blue.

At 5V, a 250 Ohm resistor will get you 20mA.  Same for a 600 Ohm resistor at 12V.  Reduce resistor value for brighter LEDs.

Microscopic SMD LEDs are superb until you need to fit them.  0402 is SMD miniaturisation on STEROIDS. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     1mm x 0.5mm

Try soldering, no hang on... try picking up one of these.  These have pre-soldered wires making them easy to handle and use.

These tiny titans are ready-to-use, conveniently pre-soldered with colour coded wiring (it's a diode remember) w just waiting for you to give it the volts.  Weighing in at .07 grammes each.

Low power, small, beautiful and ready-to-use.  Perfect for lighting accents, Arduino projects, Sensor Alerts or Model Railway builds. 

No electronics workbench is complete without miniature SMD LEDs.  These make the 0402 usable by the hobbyist and maker alike.

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