Everyone needs some extra boost of strength to recharge his body since other substances like food available today aren’t that nutritional in quality. Vital M-40 capsules thus fulfill that need naturally and bring a person to a stage of sufficient energy and enthusiasm. These capsules are therefore excellent ayurvedic energy enhancer pills for men.

The natural blend of herbs is in its appropriate ratio and so it never lets any consequences to pop-up. We guarantee great results if you are regular with the dose since we know the potential of these ayurvedic energy enhancer pills for men. The herbal ingredients like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Shatavari, etc. are well known energy enhancers since ancient era and we know about these after going through the journals written by our ancestors as they collected every possible knowledge and jotted down to enlighten the new generation like us.

Vital M-40 capsules therefore will bring outstanding benefits to you, physical as well as psychological. These capsules work best if a person is taking any supplement and facing issues like weakness due to either side effect of that medicine or because of some prolonged illness, due to which such medicines are consumed. We also recommend Vital M-40 capsules in cases like weakness, fatigue, lethargy, etc. that occur due to nocturnal emissions, semen leakage, premature ejaculation, etc. since these problems lead to such consequences. Not only this, a person who is regular with the course for a few months is able to deal with stress, anxiety and depression successfully. Hence, these ayurvedic energy enhancer pills really bring promising results.

Do Vital M-40 capsules cause any side effects?
Vital M-40 capsules never bring side effects all due to the presence of herbal ingredients, no matter you take them for more than recommended duration.

How long do I need to take these ayurvedic energy enhancer pills for men?
You are free to consume these ayurvedic energy enhancer pills till the duration you wish to consume. The results are generally seen within 12 to 16 weeks (3 to 4 months) if someone is taking these consistently without break.

How to consume these ayurvedic energy enhancer pills for men?
Take 1 capsule of Vital M-40 with water or milk 2 times in a day and continue the same for 12 to 16 weeks or till you think you do not need these anymore.

What is the preferable diet while having these ayurvedic energy enhancer pills for men?
We always prefer to recommend our consumers to have well balanced meals that provide energy to sustain the whole day. Though the consumption of these ayurvedic energy enhancer pills is enough and it is not mandatory to have foods for extra boost as your body is already getting the benefits, you may still take fresh vegetables and fruits for even more extra benefits.


Ayurved Research Foundation

Plastic Sealed Bottle Pack

Withania Somnifera, Myristica Fragrans, Saffron, Asphaltum Puniabiunum, Asparagus Adscendens, Asparagus Racemosus, Ferrum, Aril Myristica Fragrans, Caryophyllus Aromaticus, Orchis Mascula, Cinnamomum Cassia, Pongamia Glabra, Onosma Bracteatum, Zingiber Officinale, Terminalia Chebula, White Arsenicum Sulphidum, Balsamodendron Mukul, Strychnos Nux-Vomica