Ozonated Oil is an amazing substance, used for skin therapy, healing cellulite, anti acne, anti wrinkles, healing wounds that would otherwise not heal. Stories abound of patients unable to heal wounds with topical and IV antibiotics, finally able to heal their wounds with topical application of ozonated olive oil. 

   The secret? The Ozonated Oil not only kills bacteria, fungus, and other pathogens thereby sterilizing the wound, but it also does what no antibiotic could possibly do - stimulate the healing process.

Grape seed oil is extracted from the seeds of grapes, typically wine grapes. In cosmetics, grape seed oil is widely used because it’s appears to assist with skin repair, as it has mildly astringent and antiseptic qualities. Grape Seed extract was one of many compounds (alongside Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Soy Isoflavones and 'oligomeric procyanidin';) that appeared to benefit skin quality and wrinkles around the eyes and face as well as the hand. Resveratrol is another compound in grape seed that is related to 'oligomeric procyanidin';. Resveratrol has become very popular as an antioxidant and it has significant skin-soothing properties.


The Benefits of OZONE (O3)



The Benefits of Grapeseed Oil