Young's Beer HARVEST 1.5 kg - Beer Kit 

All Variety - Home Brewing 
All the beer kits will need basic brewing equipment.
Requires the addition of 1 kg of brewing sugar.

Young's Harvest Barley Wine 24pt - Strong, dark, rich and malty. Typical tangy Barley Wine.

Young's Harvest Bitter 40pt - A strongly hopped traditional Ale with a lingering bitterness.

Young's Harvest Lager 40pt - A good all-round lager. Can be drunk straight after brewing, but improves with maturation. Very light and refreshing.

Young's Harvest Mild 40pt - A rich, dark and full flavoured beer, as traditionally served in the Midlands. 

Young's Harvest Pilsner 40pt  - Refreshing and light. Guaranteed to be a real thirst-quencher.

Young's Harvest Scottish Heavy Ale  40pt - This distinctive Ale is a great alternative to a normal bitter. Higher in alcohol and a little less hoppy.

Young's Harvest Stout 30pt - A typically dark stout, highly hopped with a characteristic roasted barley aroma and flavour.

Young's Harvest Yorkshire Bitter 40pt - Typical of the smooth, easy-drinking beers of the Yorkshire region of North East England. Well hopped, with a smooth & refreshing, full bodied flavour.

Barley and Malt Extract (Barley, Malted Barley, Water) Hop Extract, Dried Yeast (in sachet).