Natural Bali Buffalo Horn Comb Wide Toothed Hair Comb Anti-static

Length: 8.2" Inches
Width: 1.3"Inches

Material: Natural Buffalo Horn


Why should you use a horn comb ?


The end of static electricity
2. The comb glides better through the hair

3. Hair is shinier

4. Hair is healthier

5. Our combs respect nature

Utensils made from natural materials add a visual and tactile bonus. 

Each one is slightly different in color or pattern, and when they're made by hand also carry the personality of the hands that shaped it. 

Has polished surface finish that shines. 

It is considered period correct for many regions and times.


 We offering real horn hand-carved products. 

Horn products are not perfect as plastic products. 

There are some minor scratches, they look a bit ‘chattered’ not smooth clean edge as plastic products. 


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