TMG (Trimethylglycine) 500mg Capsules | For Healthy Nervous System and Healthy heart

·       TMG is use for the treatment of homocystinuria, a disease caused by abnormally high homocysteine levels at birth.

·       TMG transfers its methyl group directly to homocysteine, while DMG uses the folic acid (methylfolate) pathway.

·       Trimethylglycine (TMG) is a molecule which, structurally, is the amino acid Glycine with three methyl groups attached to it.

·       TMG is an osmolyte compound and helps preserve the size of the cell and its hydration status. A high TMG concentration in a cell makes it more resilient to stressors.

·       TMG stimulates the production of brain chemicals which could make you feel more alert; concentration increased and enhance energy levels.

·       Take 1 per day with water, preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.


TMG stimulates the production of brain chemicals which could make you feel more alert; concentration increased and enhance energy levels. TMG is use for the treatment of homocystinuria, a disease caused by abnormally high homocysteine levels at birth. Trimethylglycine (TMG) is a molecule which, structurally, is the amino acid Glycine with three methyl groups attached to it. TMG transfers its methyl group directly to homocysteine, while DMG uses the folic acid (methylfolate) pathway. TMG is an osmolyte compound and helps preserve the size of the cell and its hydration status. A high TMG concentration in a cell makes it more resilient to stressors. Take 1 per day with water, preferably with a meal or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.


·       Air tight packaging

·       Immune system

·       Healthy heart

·       Healthy-Nervous-System

·       Take 1 per day with water