Pure Deer Antler Velvet 20:1 Ratio

One month supply containing 15,000mg of pure, natural IGF-1 and balanced amounts of the accompanying full growth factor matrix.

Deer Antler Velvet is often used by world class athletes to increase muscle,strength and endurance. This popular supplement is also widely used during the cold and flu seasons to increase immunity. This supplement serves as a powerful all natural aphrodisiac for men and women.* 

Ingredients:Contains insulin-like growth factor (IGF) I, insulin-like growth factor (IGF) II, transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-A), transforming growth factor beta (TGF-B), epidermal growth factor (EGF), erythropoietin (EPO), bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), growth differentiation factor-9 (GDF9),Organic Grape Alcohol, Interleukins, nerve growth factor (NGF) and other neurotrophins, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor.

Deer Antler Velvet Powder is well known for its powerful rejuvenating qualities. It has been prized in Asian medicine for hundreds of years. It is used to enhance sexual function for both men and women, to increase testosterone, HGH, and energy levels, to boost the immune system, to build joint health, and to look and feel younger.

Pure Extract Powder, 20 times stronger than regular Deer Antler.20:1 Means 10 oz of raw material was used to extract 1 oz of finished product.

A dramatic increase in energy, endurance, and stamina.
· Deeper, more restful sleep. Feel vitalized upon awakening.
· More youthful appearance. Less wrinkles. Smoother skin.
· Improved mental clarity, intelligence, and memory.
· Less aches and pain, stiffness, immobility.
· Improved body tone. (Fat loss and / or increased musculature.)
· Less depression. More joy – sense of well being. Handle stress better.
· Increased libido. Better, more satisfying love making.
· Relief from ailments or health problems.
· Increased athletic performance and skill.
· Improved hearing, eyesight, taste, smell, and feeling.
· Improved cardiac function.
· Increased bone density, strength, and health.
· Prevention of injury through stronger bodily functions.
· Quick wound healing and recovery when an injury does occur.
· Efficient cellular function for dramatic slowing down of the aging process.
· Reduced hunger pains, cravings, and addictions.
· Increased immune function.
· Thicker healthier hair, more natural hair color.
· Healthier and thicker nails.
· Hormonal balancing, especially for women.
· Absence of seasonal allergies and ailments.
· Improvement in blood sugar levels.
· Increased job skills, creativity, and performance.

Contains No wheat, gluten, soy, corn yeast, fish, egg, dairy, lactose artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives

100% Pure Deer Antler is a brown liquid,and completely flavorless. Pure Deer Antler has no flavor. Other brands add fillers and or other ingredients that may cause a bitter or medicinal taste leading consumers to believe the product to appear more potent which isn't true. The potency is in the color,the darker brown the higher the dosage considering Antler in its purest form is dark brown.The lighter or clearer means no to very little of the actual product. The only ingredient in our pure Velvet Extract is 3% Organic Grape Seed Alcohol to prevent bacteria from forming since this is a water based supplement.