Lawax capsules provide the potent herbal premature ejaculation treatment that can successfully cure the problem of shighrapatan naturally.

This is because the product contains pure plant-based herbs that are blended together and continually tested to form an outstanding remedy.

Premature ejaculation or PE mainly occurs due to weak parasympathetic nerves that lose the ability to hold the semen for a longer duration.

Sometimes the problem is so critical that a person ejaculates just while looking at or talking to someone who he finds extremely attractive or stimulating.

But do not worry as Lawax capsules will solve all your issues related to this and therefore you won’t be facing this in the future later.

We ensure your complete recovery naturally without experiencing any kind of negative impacts, all thanks to Mother Nature that has the solution to every problem.


Lawax capsules strengthen the genital nerves and improve blood circulation to a great extent. This further improves the blood’s nutrient and oxygen-carrying capabilities which in turn improve the functionality of all the organs reside in the body.

Not only a person finds recharged in terms of sexual health but also he feels energetic and enthusiastic throughout the day.


Do Lawax capsules cause any side effects?

The existence of plant-based ingredients and the absence of any kind of synthetic element ensures that Lawax capsules are not meant to generate any ill effect. Rather they drastically improve a person’s physical and mental wellbeing.

How long do I need to take this herbal premature ejaculation treatment?

This herbal premature ejaculation treatment needs to be taken consistently for around 12 to 16 weeks without break. Everyone’s body is different and so the results vary as per the individual’s own ability to cope with.

How to consume this herbal shighrapatan treatment?

Take one Lawax capsule twice in a day for 12 to 16 weeks consistently with water or milk (preferable) and notice a remarkable improvement within.

What is the preferred diet during this herbal premature ejaculation treatment?

There is no hard and fast rule for the diet since Lawax is itself capable to restore the physical health but if an individual is much worried about this thing, he must avoid junk food items and habits like smoking, alcoholism, doing drugs, etc. as much as he can.

A diet containing fresh fruits and vegetables is an ideal choice to achieve and maintain a healthy body.





Ayush Remedies


Plastic Sealed Bottle Pack


Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Safed Musli, Semul Musli, Kaunch, Akarkara, Safed Behmen, Sidhha Makardhwaj, Vidarikand