Red Earth Naturals Bird Feeders for Outside - Window Bird Feeder w/Removable Seed Tray Suction Cups & Drain Holes - Large All Weather Clear Acrylic Easy to Clean

  1. Size (12in L) x (5.5in H) x (4.0in D)

Enjoy bird watching indoors with the Large Window Bird Feeder from Red Earth Naturals. Delight in seeing birds up close as they eat and play. 

Have fun identifying local bird species and noting their uniquely beautiful markings. Large see-through bird feeder mounts easily to any window with sturdy suction cups. (Don't mount on sliding glass door because door movement may detract the birds.) Enjoy bird watching from dawn to dusk. Mount on kitchen, dining room, bedroom or office window where you can easily bird watch during your daily activities. 

Great way to relieve computer eye strain! Secures to a clean window with 3 strong suction cups. Feeder stays attached all year long, regardless of the outside temperature. Just make sure to thoroughly clean the window first. 

Novel design has removable seed tray with drain holes and the frame that holds the feed tray has drain holes too, so seed will not spoil if it rains or snows. Roof allows birds to perch while others feed. Removable tray makes it easy to refill seed. Cleans easily with soap and water