***TINY BUNDLES ARE BACK FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY** mix-&-match 5 “Tiny Bites” or “Lil Essentials” for $45 PLUS FREE SHIPPING ON ALL TINY BUNDLES...just message me first to prepare your order please****

Im very excited to unveil a new line of adorable 1:144 foods - “Tiny Bites”.

I’ve enjoyed making different tiny foods for my “Kitchen Cuties”. But someone inquired about tiny groceries .... and some fun ideas came. During this time, I’ve noticed people getting a little nostalgic with their snacks and food items. So this first series, includes some cute snacks you may remember buying in years past.


****You are bidding on a tiny carton of Breyers Ice Cream******

I scream, you scream, we all scream for...well you know the rest. This made a great addition to my “Tiny Bites” collection. Now if I could just make a tiny scoop in a dish or on a cone🤔

It’s cute, free moving, and easy to tack down or move around your tiny house. The 1:144 scale houses always look great with splashes of color. So these little foods are a perfect way to introduce more bright eye candy into your tiny kitchens and dining rooms.

Fun facts :

A very popular brand on the east coast, the company had its start start in none other than Philly in 1866, by William A. Breyer. That makes over 150 years of serving up this yummy treat.

***As an added bonus ...You can get 1 FREE grocery bag when you buy 3 or more “Tiny Bites or “Lil Essentials” groceries***

Just message me with your grocery list and I ll get back to you in a jiffy. Custom shipping is offered too.

**Dont see your favorite snacks. No problem. Feel free to inquire about custom grocery bundles with all YOUR personal favorites**

As always ...

Enjoy the pics and happy shopping.

Stay tuned for more new “Tiny Bites” groceries this month.

.**All pieces were personally handmade by me**

***Additional Props Not Included***