Elixir Iron Tonic with Ferrous as Gluconate 7.5mg/mL.
Tired? You may be Iron Deficient! In fact, iron deficiency is the leading cause of fatigue among women between the time of menstruation and menopause. Adolescents and women of childbearing age need to regularly replace the iron that is eliminated through the menstrual cycle.
Elixir’s Iron Tonic provides iron when dietary intake is inadequate or during times of increased demand.
- Contains Ferrous Gluconate, one of the best absorbed forms of iron supplements;
- Helps maintain vitality, energy and general health;
- Particularly beneficial for those whose diet is lacking in nutritional iron (vegetarians) or when iron needs increase (during pregnancy and while breastfeeding);
- Contains a select combination of vitamins, herbs, fruit, and vegetable extracts which help maintain general health and well-being;
- Free from preservatives, colourings, alcohol and dairy; and
- Liquid that is absorbed faster and are more readily available to the body than tablets or Capsules.
Dosage: Take 2-4mL by measure twice daily.