A luxury makeup collection designed for unrivalled beauty marked by elegance and sophistication.
A pressed powder that blends seamlessly into your skin for a long-lasting flawless finish. With various colored powders in pale tones, it blurs pores, smooths out skin texture and controls shine for hours. Comes with a puff.
Elegance Paris 极致欢颜蜜粉饼 II (便携装) @Cosme 发挥的极致艺术美感,优越的细致柔滑的粉体,轻轻一刷犹如丝绸般细腻。色调丰富多彩,呈现立体精致的美肌。卓越粉体技术,打造出细腻柔滑、耐汗防水、持久定妆的效果。缔造极具高贵优雅、透亮动人的肌肤。 II/2号色粉棕,华丽艳丽的高贵妆感。 珠光非常细腻,妆面透彻。 给予肌肤零负担的透明质感,拥有跟别人炫耀的自信。 拥有极优的透明感,不会令人发现缺陷的完美肌肤。 修饰肤色,展现出肌肤的完美性的蜜粉饼。 适合所有肌肤使用。